flags Rebelinks!

The opinions expressed on these websites do not necessarily reflect my own personal opinion. In many ways I am obviously a rebel among rebels.

Just for the record:

Do I believe that the Southern states had a legal right to secede from the union?


I do!

That did not, however, make it a good idea!

And, it is a totally different issue apart from that of slavery.

To which I would like to add:

If any of many ancestors owned slaves, I don't know about it; and, if they did,
that is them.

Throughout my life, I have come closer to being a slave than owning one; and, I think that instead of worrying about things that are in the past , and which we cannot do anything about, it is better to consider the places on this earth today where slavery still exists in one form or another.

There is were our concern should be!

This does not mean that we should not study the past; but, to learn from it, not to condemn it, or praise it, or defend it; for the past simply is, there is nothing we can do about it other than try to learn from it. Our concern must be of today and what we can do today to make tomorrow a better place.

On this links page, I have tried to represent a range of Southern sites which represent the diversity of the South and its people; but, they are in no particular order. It takes enough time to find these links, much less organize them.

Interesting article on Cracker history

Cajun Granny.com

Georgia History

Southern Style Cooking

Written in a Southern Frame of Mind!

Conch Republic
Key Largo to Key West!


Torah from Dixie, Inc.


Dr Pepper

Lynyrd Skynyrd

Catholicism in the Old South

Out and Proud
A gay Christian in Texas

The Official Home of the Florida Seminole Indians

The Official BUBBA-L Home Page
This is the home page of a mailing list devoted to discussing all things "bubba."

The Moonlit Road
Ghost stories and strange folktales
of the American South

Documenting the American South

the Briar Patch

The South Georgia Folklife Project

The Chitterlings Site

The Official MOON PIE Web Site
That good old Southern standby!

I like mine with hamburger meat!

The Carter Center

Remembering Remus
And Joel Chandler Harris

Causes of the Civil War
An archive of documents relating to the Civil War

Jack Daniel's

Barbeque, a Southern Icon

Texas Hot Salsa

The Cherokee Trail of Tears


Bourbon Street Stories & Jazz

Redneck RamPage

Baker County, Florida
My grandfather was a Garrett.
His wife was a Mobley.
This is where they came from.

Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation
internet resources

On Southern Cooking

The Vidalia Onion
Georgia's State Vegetable!

The Bell Witch

And in case this is not enough of the South for ya,
check out the links in the sideframe at:
Aw, Shucks!


site index