Fun Times
Here I am on my little blue tricycle.
Me on my tricycle
There I am in my little blue car.

Me and my little blue car
I was really into blue!
It still is my favorite color.

On the other hand:
seafood, fish, oysters, crab, shrimp
and anything to do with them are not among my favorite anything!
the family a fishin'
My family liked to fish.

In fact, most of their recreational activities evolved around it.

My dislike of the whole business made me definitely something of the family oddball!

Here I am before I was too young to put my foot down and refuse to go on another fishing trip!

This is also one of the few pictures taken of my parents and their four children together.

The reason for this is quite simple, the age difference. By the time I was born my brother was no longer living at home thanks to the US Army. Then my eldest sister, Mildred, married and moved out. So we were seldom all together at one time. And if we were, it has generally been me who has done the picture taking because this is the hopeless group of picture takers on earth! Below is the first picture I ever took. I had not even started to school yet!

But a kid's gotta do what a kid's gotta do!

If I had not, the family photo album would be missing a lot of heads!


I don't know who that person is on the far left in the photo; but, next is my Sister, Beverly.

She is standing next to her long time best friend, Jean, who was killed in an accident at the intersection of Dunn Avenue and Lem Turner Road about ten years after this picture was taken.

It was quite a blow to Beverly; but, here they are in happier times having an "oyster roast" with some friends in our backyard. They used to have a lot of those things!

Oysters were not as expensive back then as they are now. In fact, they were quite cheap, not that I was going to touch one!

The "cold drinks" were another story. I am a life long cola addict!

I did not even know this picture existed until recently.

I scanned some old photos at my sister Mildred's house in Georgia, Christmas 2005. Scanned them one page at a time, not really looking.

Finally this Christmas 2006 I got around to copying the photo files to do some editing when I noticed this picture of me holding what appears to be one of my brother-in-law Harold's bird dog puppies. Looks like I am in Harold and Mildred's yard too, when they lived in Jacksonville.
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