Delibrated Avenaged Nation
Games are pretty much everybody's way of keeping themselves entertained and lets face it we have all played games at sometime in our life. To be honest with you, this page is not going to be any type of video games review or what's currently on the market update page. Instead I'd like to bring to you out there a gathering of games that suit the people that we come to this site. For example, I like RP games and I venture that a lot of people out there like them too. I like them on video game consoles as well as real-time play ones, D&D (Dungeons and Dragons),so inessence; I'd like to bring a mixture of the two to this page and possibly play an online one in due time, but for now I will post up story scenarios and little tidbits of factoids that I find interesting for game consoles and RP games alike.
The Sega begins soon won't you be part of it... (7/31/01)