Favorite Links 2




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Library Using Jscript What is JVcript.  Info of 12 chapters.
cs.tuisi.ro Computer Engineering Students'Web Site.
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Matt's Archive Matt's Script archive.
Anfy Team You want applets, here they are, great stuff.   Install Anfy Java.
KingCode New search engine for programmers and developers, covering languages from C++, HTML, to Perl! (and more)
Codebrain Free applets, java sounds for applets, javascripts, great site.
The Playroom DHTML, great site.
HTML Goodies General HTML info, good site
Nonags Great site, more java and homepage tools, utilities, programs and more.
DynamicDrive If you don't visit this site, you miss a lot of scripts. ***
EasyJavaScript Many scripts here, good site.
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Utilities for home pages

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Igor Japus Igor's Web Art Page, many free examples.  Great site, in German.
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Enchantress Graphics and artwork, nice backgrounds.
PhotoShop Photoshop sites, links, tips and technique, corporate pages, plug-ins, reviews.
Creating Creating Drop Shadow, 3D objects, Multicolor gradients.
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Free submit Add URL free to several search engines, great site.

Submit to 750 search engines
Belgian links

SavvySearch!       Submit your website to 40 search engines for FREE!
Search engines tips Search engines tips.
Terms search engines Terms of search engines, great site, a lot of info here.
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Tripod Tools Studio Pages with info, tips, trics, library, FAQ, register-it, fonts, ....
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Findit clicktrade Everything you need to build, promote your website.
Dableijs nl Crazy E-Mail attachments Homepage check out those funny files.
Robyn A Graphics, spiderinfo, how robots searches, list of search engines.  Top sites.



mailto : Michel Beyens
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