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Game Sites A list of the best game sites on the net.



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Schoten Belgium my town, in Dutch
TotalFina homepage of my employer
Radio Atlantis One of my favorites on 106.3 FM mailto: Studio Atlantis


The leadingdancing's, discotheques in Belgium, click on gif.
More information about the night live in Belgium, see Disconet   Go to Disconet on my special page of - Disco

view list on special page of some disco - discotheque in Belgium

Visit "News", music for the Club Generation.

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Go on net to -  Hotels Belgium & World Wide

Go on net to -  Restaurants
General City Guide of several hundreds of Restaurants


Euro Central Bank European Central Bank / Centrale Bank
Europe Euro Committee European Committee / Europese Commissie
Euro Parliament European Parliament / Europees Parlement
Europe99 Topic about European community and party
Belgian Government Belgian Government / Federale Overheid
Belgian C. of S. Belgian Counsil of State / Raad van State
Belgian staatsblad Belgian Government Gazette / Staatsblad
Belgian National Bank Belgian National Bank/Nationale Bank
Vlaanderen Flemish government / Vlaamse Overheid
Vlaams Parlement Flemish Parliament / Vlaams Parlement
Ver.steden & gewesten Flemish City and Town Union
De Kamer Belgian Congressmen / Kamer van  Volksvertegenwoordigers
Nato North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.



Telephone directory be Telepfone directory of Belgium
Telephone directory nl Telephone directory of The Netherlands (Holland)
Geekcode GEDs:a+a?C+W++NwPS+PGP-X+tv-b+D+Ge++hr+++z+***
Petrus Some airplanes, homepage.
KoopjesKrant Free advertising magazine, in Dutch.
Links in Belgium Many links to severall items in Belgium, free domainname.  Dutch.
Clickx Clickx, internet magazine in Dutch.
Britannica.com Encyclopaedia online, the oldest and largest general reference in the English language.
Earth by satellite Nice shots from space, real time.
Telescope nice pictures.
Utopianchronicles An extremely important site about Belgium with links by Didier Coeurnelle.
Zing A powerful picture community, send a photomail.
ICQ com you don't now ICQ, for chatters, who is online,  visit this one  disadvantage:your IP-adress is public in chatmode, disable it.
Banis Netherland ICQ for Dutch-speaking regions.
Gooey Chat with other people simultaneously browsing the same Web site you are.
Stichting Fti Flanders Technoligy International, Dutch and English.
VIB Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology.
RUCA - Homepage University of Antwerp, Dutch, English and French.

De Nederlandse ICQ-pagina's!

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