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- If you want some links referring to coral reef or reefaquariums see my page favorite links.
Technical information
- I have 2 aquariums of 640 liters standing in serie with each other. A circulationflow of +/- 750l/u. Several different corals and fishes.
- Aquarium in living
- lights: 2 x HQI 150Watt, 1 x TL osram 11 58W, 1 x philips actinic blue 03 140W.
- pump: 5 pumps with total of 5.000 l/u.
- live stone: 140 kg.
- Aquarium in garage
- lights: 2 x TL osram 11, 2 x TL osram 67
- pump: 4 pumps with total of 3.350 l/u.
- live stone: 70kg.
- Filter : 120 liter, the main function is to work as a mechanical filter, works also as a biologic filter.
- Skimmer: I have 2 skimmers, a small one (ratz) and a big one (aquaMedic height 2 meter, circulation 2.200 l/u. and internal circulation of 4.400 l/u.).
- Further more I have a calcium reactor (1 drop/sec.or a tiny bit more). Evaporated water is replaced by lime water, on a average of 4 l./day.
- Every 4 weeks I change 160 liter water with osmose water. Red sea salt is added to it.
- On a year scale I change 200% of my water with produced water, further more there is a change of 2 x 100 liter seawater a year. The total of water change comes to +/- 210% / year.
Measurements: NO3 : 0.0 ppm PO4 : 0.05 - 0.2 ppm Ca : 380 - 450 ppm density : 1.023 �/�� I 2 : 0 ppm Sr : 16 ppm Fe : 0 ppm PH : 8.20 - 8.35 t�C : 25 - 29�C
Injections: daily : strontium strontiumchloride SrCL2 and sometimes alternate with strontiumnitrate Sr (NO3)2, Sr : 0.132mg / l / day iodine : KI(kaliumiodine) and sometimes alternate with NaI(natriumiodine) I2 : 60�gram / l / day. Test were made at 30 - 120 - 240�gram/l/day. For info, send an e-mail. Lithium : Test are made with Li to see if it has any effect.
Liquid food: daily : Combisan 3.5 cc. weekly : liquid "Marin de Luxe" alternate with "Biotip" 5 cc. every 2 weeks: glucose(C6H12O6) 0.5 ppm/l , alternate with milk and yeast 5 cc.
Fish food: every 2 days one teaspoon of dry food and some deep frozen mysis, artemia and krill.
- Fish:
- Nemateleotris 2x, Gomphosus varius 1 male and 1 female, Ecsenius bicolor 1x, Gramma loreto 1x, Calloplesiops altivelis 1x, Pseudocheilinus hexataenia 1x, Synchiropus ocellatus 1x, Zebrasoma flavescens 1x, Zebrasoma Scopa 1x, Acanthurus lineatus 1x, Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis 1x, Chelmon rostratus 1x, Oxyodon para...1x
Other: Shrimp : Lysmata amboinensis 3x Sea urchin : Eucidaris tribuloides 1x Brittle stars : Ophiarachna incrassata 1x, Ophiomastrix annulosa 2x Colochirus robustus 1x divide to 2x Blue fungus : Collospongia (auris ?) 3x
- A friend of me is going to build an aquarium 6 x 1 x 1 m.
Therefore, Info requested: - How do you build such an aquarium. - Anyone experience in cold sea water. - How do you run such an aquarium. - any information regarding cold sea water, URL's - owners ... Mail your info to Mieke Mondelaers or Michel Beyens.
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