Pictures From '99 Tracker School Back To Back

"Hurricane Class"

Tom McElroy demonstrating use of a bow from the prone

My tracking team after the night tracking exercise; from left to right: Chris, Ron, and Curt

Human foot map

Me, after the camoflage exercise on the Friday of the 2nd week of the Back to Back.

Me, after the Fire Stalk, an awesome exercise ( I'm pretty sure I wasn't detected ).

Tom Brown ( the grey haired, topless guy in blue jeans kneeling in the middle ) demonstrating how to frame tracks on the Anvil.

The team tracking a deer on the Triangle. The little light bars on top of the pine needles are popsicle sticks marking unconfirmed tracks. We had so many tracks pointed out ( mostly thanks to Ron who had the best eyes of the team ) that Tom's comment was, "What the hell are y'all doin? Just throwin em out there?" He later told us that our deer had passed along that same path 3 times in 18 hours.

Instructor Dan is camoflaged in there somewhere around the trunk of the pine tree.

Another shot of Dan camoflaged. Chances are the one person visible in there is the student who went in as a comparison of primitive camoflage to storebought camoflage.

The camoflage lecture by Dan ( after which, the above 2 pictures were taken ) which got interrupted by a mudfight between Tom McElroy and Ruth Ann.

