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Fancy backgrounds were neat but made it difficult to read the text in a lot of cases. Plain colors are much more readable. How about JAVA scripts, they were fun and had there place too. Raise your hand if you experimented with frames. I still like them if they're not too complex. Sounds on a page are neat too, but if the music is long I always try to make it optional. I never did try forms but may in the future.
After I got my scanner and later my digital camera I thought that personal pictures were the neatest thing since the Pet Commodore. But once more they slow down my browser, I guess a link to my pictures would be better. Picking one picture at a time is much better than waiting for a whole page of pictures to download.
Page counters, guest books, banners and whatnot are of course optional but I like them most of the time. Of course when no one visits or signs your book it can be discouraging. Well I guess I'll back to surfing so I can find something else to add to my pages.