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"When you are nWo... you are just .... Toooo Sweeeeeeeet !!!"

Louie Spicolli Is Dead At Age 27. Click Above To Find Out More.

"Check Out This Exclusive Interview With The Official APW Online Corospondant !!!"

On a very serious note, The spectacular Brian Pillman (R.I.P) tribute page. Click the Pic.(not finished yet !!)

"Check Out The Results For The Upcoming Shows !! (Im naughty... I shouldn't Give These Away !!!)"

Do you want to know the "REAL" names of your favorite superstars ?? I've got them just click the link above !!

The self proclaimed "New Total Package" Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell has had many recent battles against WCW's own Lex Luger. Buff to this point is 3 and 0 against Luger with FAIR victories in each. (Although Luger was disqualified for illegal tactics Check out a few pics off " Buff " in action !!

Ever wish you could catch what Hollywood said ?? Ever wanted to watch someone get the "Stonecold" Stunner again ?? Well click here for some Quotes, Entrance music, Sound files and a few videos !!

Click above for this month's Top 10 wrestlers !!

" The Ultimate Weapon thinks he is this weeks wrestler of the week. Lets see... (Click Above)"

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