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This whole site is part of an exam called Metodi e Tecniche della Produzione grafica, (Scienze della Comunicazione Remote course) taken by
Fabio Paternò Remote at the University of Siena Remote, Italy.
It was developed by Veronica Bolognesi and Alexia Micaela Correnti using the Multimedia Lab Remote structures.
If you want to know more about this project, read the How we did it section.

Veronica Bolognesi (4.5K) Name: Veronica Bolognesi
[email protected] Mail to)
Date-of-birth: 05-May-1975
Studies: 3rd year
 Scienze della Comunicazione -
 Gestione delle Tecnologie
Hobbies: music, computer,
 internet, reading


Veronica Bolognesi (4.5K)   Name: Alexia Micaela Correnti
[email protected] Mail to)
  Date-of-birth: 22-August-1973
  Studies: 5th year
   Scienze della Comunicazione -
   Istituzionale e d'impresa
  Hobbies: radio, cinema,
  reading, internet

Qbullets are used to indicate the function of hypertext links. Qbullets appear courtesy of Matterform Media Remote. Here is the legend of those used in this site:

  1. Remote Remote Link: by clicking on any of the links followed by this symbol, you'll leave the Blanc et Noir site.
  2. Picure Picture: choosing a link followed by this icon will show you a picture.
  3. Sound Sound: selecting a link followed by this qbullet, a new window with the sound controls will be created and a sound played.
  4. Mail to Mail to: by clicking on any links followed by this icon, a new compose-message-window will be created with, as addressee, the one stated in the link.

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