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An Inclusive Identity for Kushi


From: Yafeu ibn Taom  
Date: Thu Dec 3, 1998 1:38am
Subject: Land of the Bow


   Here's something I've been waiting to share with you all.
   Back in August the magazine Bible Review had an article
   on Cushites entitled "From the Land of the Bow" by 
   J. Daniel Hays. In the latest issue they printed a letter
   I wrote to them about the article. However, they edited
   out everything I wrote about the Kushite Arabs and Jeremiah's
   logic concerning leopards, Kushites and sin. Actually their
   editing wasn't a bad job but it did leave intact the modern
   anthropological limited view about which people are black.
   So, even though it won't reach BR's readership, I'm including
   the complete letter below.  


   Your copyless August cover speaks volumes. The contents page promises
   that J. Daniel Hays is going to show that yes, there is something
   out of Africa and it effected the Middle East as well as Greece! I
   wonder what challenges the readers will make to this article.

I found this foray into one African peoples contributions to the ancient Bible world refreshing and timely. I really enjoyed the article. The switching of notes 28 and 32 threw me off for a moment. So did the Cushite vs Arab dichotomy in note 11. I don't think the term Cush was only a specific for the Cushite nation proper, but applied to all very dark skinned nations or individuals as well. Only the context will tell which is meant.

For instance,Herodotus let's us know that Cushites were in Asia and Africa when he mentions eastern and western Cushites differentiated by hair texture. And Josephus mentions the Western Cushites and seems to class the Sabaeans with them.(Antiquities

Zerah was most likely a Western Cushite, for the reasons given in the article. But why can't an Arab be Cushite? GENESIS places Sheba and Dedan in both Shem (GEN 25:2) and Ham's (GEN 10:17) territorial lineage.

(Ham -> Cush -> Ra`amah -> Sheba and Dedan) (Shem - -> `Eber -> Joktan -> Sheba) (Abraham -> Jokshan -> Sheba and Dedan) (Abraham -> Midian)

Cushites and Arabians are coupled in Psa 72:10, II Chr 21:16 and especially Isa 43:3. In Arabic the title, Zirrih (magnificent) has the same triliteral root as Zerah. Arabic, Egyptian and Hebrew are all "Afro-Asian" languages.

The incident involving Moses' wife also shows an Arabian Cush. In Exodus Moses only has one wife, Zipporah the Midianite. Miriam calls her a Cushite. The extra-Biblical Ethiopian wife does not travel with Israel in Sinai. Extra-biblical sources do not present her as ever leaving Ethiopia. So Miriam's Cushite is evidently also a Midianite and so Hab 3:7 grouping Cushan with Midian.

Anthropolgy is loathe to classify Africans, Arabs and Indians as one ethnic taxon based on color. The ancients did. It's similar to the moderns classifying Europeans, Arabs, Indians and even Ethiopians as Caucasians.

Was Elijah fed by crows or Arabs or a clan called the Crows of the Arabs? For the Hebrew speakers Arabs, evening and crows come from the same root and the word play on dusky color is intended.

For me there's no trouble with saris translated as both official and eunuch. Were ancient Semites anything like the Muslim Ottomans? If so, the Kizlar Aghassis testify to the second highest office being in the hands of a "Cushite" eunuch. Why were officials also often eunuchs? There are no worries of lineal ambition leading to disloyal activities.

In Hebrew, to this day, Cushi means a "black"-skinned person. The Israelites evidently had Cushites in their ranks. In the Bible Israelites named Cushi are Yehudi ben Kushi (Jer 36:14), Zephaniah ben Kushi (Zep 1:1) and Kush ben-Yemini (Psa 7:1). The Talmud even refers to Saul in Cushite terms.

Rabbinic midrash makes this all metaphorical though. The reasoning is that Cushi means outstanding. The Greeks thought of the Ethiopians as outstanding too. To them, the people with longest lifespan, the tallest height, the handsomest faces and the most pious actions were Ethiopians.

In light of the above Jer 13:23 can bear a new interpretation. Is there anything intrinsically wicked about Cushites or leopards? Cushites were salesmans of live leopards and leopard skins all over the ancient world. Who'd buy a spotless leopard skin? The spots are its beauty. The Cushites skin is his beauty.

The prophet siezes on this common market connection to sound home his point. "Would the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? (No!) Then may you also do GOOD that are accustomed to do evil." Answering the question yes destroys the logical conlusion. Be steadfast in doing good and don't exchange it for evil. Be unchanging in doing good instead of flopping with the worthlessness of evil.

J. Daniel Hays, thanks for something delightfully different in Bible Review. Nubian with Oryx, Monkey, and Leopard Skin, 
  8th-7th century B.C.; Neo-Assyrian period; Phoenician style
  Mesopotamia; excavated at Nimrud (ancient Kalhu), Fort Shalmaneser
  Ivory; H. 5.3 in. (13.5 cm)
  Rogers Fund, 1960 (60.145.11)


SR' Yafeu ibn Taom
© 1998 Biblical Archaelogy Society & RCAJA® for the AframJews List.
Nubian with leopard skin ©
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
© 2002 RCAJA® All rights reserved world wide.


Kush Cush Sudan Nubia Nubian Nubians dark Jews black Jews Arab Arabs Arabia Arabian


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