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Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants
Abstracted & Indexed by Nell Maron Nugent
Thanks to Jim Harper, Townville, SC, for providing this information.
Patent bk. 9, p. 50. 29 Oct 1696: John Hedgpah, 450 acs., Up. Par. Of Nansemond Co. for importation of 9 persons including RICHARD HARPER.
Patent bk. 9, p. 108, 28 Oct 1697: Isaac Jackson, 37 acs. Essex Co., S. side of Rappa. River, adj. WILLIAM HARPER, Rodowick Rowze & land of Wm. Spicer (now Richard Mathews). Granted Thomas Barker 23 Oct 1690, deserted & now granted by order, transportation of 1 person.
Patent bk. 9, p. 200. 6 June 1699: Thomas Dunn, 448 acs. Essex Co. on S side of Purcation Cr., adj. Francis Brown, THOMAS HARPER, & Samuell Perry, towards the great swamp for importation of 9 negroes.
Patent bk. 9, p. 252. 24 Apr. 1700. Edmond Bayman, 202 acs., Up. Par. Of Nansemond Co. Transporation of 4 persons including JOHN HARPER.
Patent bk. 9, p. 540. 24 Apr. 1703. Capt. Francis Epes and others, 4000 acs. Henrico Co., for transportation of 80 persons including EDWARD HARPER, EDWD. HARPER.
Patent bk. 9, p. 595. 26 Apr. 1704, Thomas Gregson, 37 acs. Essex Co. on S. side of the river, adj. WILLIAM HARPER, Lodowick Rouzee & line of Wm Spicer (now Richard Matthewes’).
Patent bk. 9, p. 649. 2 May 1705. Wm. Tomlin, Edward Gouldman & James Boughan, 550 acs. Essex Co. on brs. Of Piscataway Cr.; beg. At Col. Goodrich, by an Indian path; a br. Dividing this & 1000 acs. Taken by THOMAS HARPER, 22 Sept. 1682 deserted and now granted by order.
Patent bk. 9, p. 664. 2 May 1705. William Major, 150 acs. New Kent Co. for transportation of 3 persons including CHA. HARPER.
Patent bk. 9, p. 722. JOHN HARPER, 100 acs. Essex Co. 2 May 1706. Escheated from Thomas Trooth, dec'd. by inquisition.
Patent bk. 10, p. 14. 28 Apr. 1711. Henry Boughan of Essex Co., 37 acs. Bet land formerly Goodriche’s & land granted James Boughan & THOMAS HARPER on branches of Pescattaway Cr. By the town. Importation of Thomas Wright.
Patent bk. 10, p. 166. 16 June 1714. John Woodson & Charles Fleming, 1278 acs. Henrico Co. for importation of 26 persons including JOHN HARPER.
Patent bk. 12, p. 273. 9 July 1724 WILLIAM HARPER, 290 acs., Surry Co., N side of Nottoway River & on both sides of Sappony Cr., cor. Of William Read. 30 Shillings.
Patent bk. 13, p. 201. 9 Feb. 1727. HENRY HARPER, 400 acs. Henrico Co. on brs. Of Licking Hole Creek; on a ridge near John Man’s branch; crossing Thomas Mims’ Mill Run. 40 shillings.
Patent bk. 14, p. 17. 28 Sept. 1728. WILLIAM HARPER, of Surry Co. 200 acs. Prince George County bet. Stony & Moccosoneck Creeks; on the county line, where William Malone joins. 20 shillings.