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Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants
Edited by Dennis Ray Hudgins
Thanks to Jim Harper, Townville, SC, for providing this information.
Patent bk. 15, p. 78. 20 June 1733. Robert Wade, 250 acs. In Goochland Co. on brs. Of Lickinghole Creek adj. HENRY HARPER.
Patent bk. 15, p. 241. 1 Aug 1734. Charles Toney, 400 acs. In Goochland Co., E side of the westermost Main Br. Of Lickinghole Cr., adj. David Mims and HENRY HARPER.
Patent bk. 15, p.242. 1 Aug 1734. Charles Toney, 400 acs. In Goochland Co., E side of the main westermost fork of Lickinghole Creek on a beaver pond adj. HARPER & Charles Christian.
Patent bk. 15, p. 403. 27 Jan 1734/35. John Gillion of Surry Co., 190 acs. In said Co., N side of Nottoway River, E. side of Allen’s Br.; adj. Nathaniel Malloon & WILLIAM HARPER.
Patent bk. 18, p. 76. 20 July 1738. William Asque, 348 acs. Prince George Co., S side of Moccosoneck Cr. & N side of Naaman’s Br., along the County line [E 30° N]; adj. Francis Morley, WILLIAM HARPER & Col. Robert Munford.
Patent bk. 18, p 97. 20, July 1738. Nathaniel Maloon, 1050 acs. Surry Co. on the S side of Stoney Cr., up the Reedy Br.; adj. Daniel Tucker, John Curtis, WILLIAM HARPER, John Gillion & George Booth.
Patent bk. 18, p. 549. JOSEPH HARPER, 1000 acs. Prince George Co., on both sides of Tommaheton SW on N side of Nottoway River, up the S fork of Beaverpond br. & up Birchen SW; adj. William Jones, William Butler & Laurence Richardson; Within which bounds is 400 acs. Gtd. Nathaniel Malone by Pat., 23 Mar 1733/34 [PB 15, p. 183] Exclusive of said 1,000 acs.. ₤5.
Patent bk. 18, p. 241. Richard Green, 854 acs. Prince George Co., bet. Nottoway River & the Birchen SW along the County line [south] adj. JOSEPH HARPER.
Patent bk. 19, p. 779. 16 Sept. 1740. WILLIAM HARPER, On the S side of the Reedy Br. Adj. Richard 387 acs. Surry Co., bet Stony Creek & Sappony Cr.Hewson, Nathaniel Malone & his own lines. ₤2.
Patent bk. 19, p. 898. 1 Dec. 1740.WILLIAM HARPER, 400 acs. Prince George County between Burchen SW & the Rockey Br., down Rambling Br., adj. William Parram.