To My Birth Child

The sun breaks thru the trees,
hitting the water so blue,
as the birds chirp
and the animals come alive
the world awakes to begin a new,
A day filled with renewed hope for all.
As this day starts, it finds me sad
knowing the one I love is so far away
I can only hold thoughts of her close to me,
her voice I've never heard...her picture I've never seen
but to hold her in my arms-is it just a dream
hopefully one day soon it will be real
but till then its emptiness I feel.
The sun tops the trees now
shining on the to bright to see.
Sitting here looking out with shaded eyes
I think back to a dream I had
a dream of you and me
so happy and free
I hope one day soon...
you will be here.......with me

Author unknown

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