Adoptee and Birth Mother Feelings, Poems, and Letters.

 B-Mom Letter: Letter to my child
 B-Mom Poem: She is Mine
 B-Mom Poem: Universe
 B-Mom Poem: My Precious Daughter Tammy
 Adoptee Poem: Tears of Hope
 B-Mom Letter: Happy Birthday Kevin
 B-Mom Letter: To My Son...My First Born
 B-Mom Poem: Where are you??
 B-Mom Poem: If I could only find you.
 B-Mom Poem: Birth Mother's Never Forget!
 Poem: The Journey
 Song: A Mother's Prayer
 B-Sister's Poem: Rejection
 B-Mom Questions: A Mother's Tears
 Adoptee Poem: The Affair
 Adoptee Letter: My Letter to Ginger
 B-Mom Poem: Momma Loves You
 Adoptee Poem: Dedication to Ginger's 21st Year
 Adoptee Poem: Abandonment Feelings
 Poem: The Tree
 Adoptee Thoughts: Cheryl's Thoughts
 Adoptee Thoughts: Cheryl's Thoughts #2
 Adoptee Dedication: To Mom
 B-Mom Poem: This Child
 Poem: The "MAN" in the Glass
 B-Mom Wish: Lezli's Birthday Wish
 B-Mom Poem: My First Born Daughter
 B-Mom Poem: Empty Pages
 B-Mom Poem: The Bouncing Ball
 Poem to B-Mom's: Dedication to ALL Mom's
 Adoptee Mom's Feelings: Courage of the Heart
 B-Mom's Card: I Believe
 Adoptee Poems: Tammy Shares her poems
 B-Mom Poem: The Empty Womb
 B-Mom Poem: All I want for Christmas
 B-Mom Poem: You Knew
 B-Mom Poem: Looking Back
 B-Mom Thoughts:: To My John
 B-Mom Poem: Message to the Blind
 B-Mom Poem: For My Daughter
 Son's Poem: Pieces of You
 Poem: I haven't ever seen you.
 Grandmother's Poem: Always In My Heart
 B-Mom Poem: Today and Tomorrow
 Sister's Poem: Sister of my heart
 A-Brother Poem: Crossroads
 Adoptee's Poem: Reunion's Choice
 Adoptee's Poem: Time Out
 Poem: Mirrors A Reflection of me
 Poem: Heartprints
 Poem: When It Is Too Late
 Poem: Lend Me Your Hope
 Adoptee KBJ Poems: Adoptee Poems
 Adoptee Song: Whose Child Am I
 Adoptee Poem: Identities Ripped Away
 B-Mom Poem: My Birth Child
 Poem: Friendship Rules

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