Introduction of a Birthmother

My name is Ginger, I am the birthmother and I would like to share a little about my life. I will share in a general way to help those who are reading this to understand the events that led up to my giving birth to my child Yetenna Marie. My having to leave Tina behind and the impact of having to live my life with out her. I will share my own individual struggles in recovery. You will hear the story of my child Tina finding me, our struggles, fears, and grief in getting to know one another which included our time out that we had because of those feelings. How we began to rebuild a new relationship on healthy terms with good boundaries, respect, and deep love for one another.

It is our hope is for all who will read this that they too will find faith, hope, love and courage in their searches as well as their reunions. May we each continue to move forward with our lives as well as the building the relationships of our loved ones. I would encourage all that come to this site to take time to read it all. It may be a bit long, but I will promise you it will be worth your time and effort. Throughout our story, you will feel many emotions, which includes much hope for your own lives and healing.

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Thank you, Ginger and Tina

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