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This song has touched Ginger and Tina's heart. It makes us feel connected to each other even though we could not be together during Tina's childhood.

Lullaby In Blue

as sung by Bette Midler

I know that I'm no saint. My head is in the clouds. They called you a mistake, but I still, I still say your name out loud.

They called me a stupid girl, just like my mom. Too many men passed through my arms. At seventeen I looked into your eyes, knew I could never comfort your cries. Every April still reminds me of you. The child I never knew. My lullaby in blue.

It all goes by so fast. How lovely you must be. Why you've reached the age at last that I was when your daddy lived with me.

How I wish we could meet somewhere talk it through. There is so much I would say to you. There are others, I'm not alone. A younger brother you've never known, and a baby girl who so reminds me of you. The child I never knew. My lullaby in blue.

As the years go by, try not to think of us sadly. Believe it if you can, I wanna see you so badly. On your birthday, Mama's thinking of you. The child I never knew. My lullaby in blue. My lullaby in blue. My lullaby

as sung by Bette Midler

Want to hear the mp3 song? Download it HERE!
will take approx 45 minutes to download depending on connection speed. File size is 4.9mb

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