Ginger and Tina's Index Page of Favorite Poems and Lyrics

Angel Picture

 Song: Lullaby in Blue
 Song: My One True Friend
 Song: Comfortably Numb
 Song: Games People Play
 Song: Walk A Mile
 Song: Keeper of the Stars
 Song: Streets of Philadelphia
 Song: More Than Words
 Song: In My Life
 Song: There is Love
 Song: Angel
 Song: The Rose
 Song: The Love of My Life
 Song: My Place in this World
 Song: Because You Loved Me
 Poem: Momma Loves You  (dedication)
 Poem: Healthy Recovery  (dedication)
 Poem: Tina's Abandonment Feelings
 Poem: Why Mother's Cry
 Poem: Legacy of an Adopted Child
 Poem: Come here Go away
 Poem: What I have Learned
 Poem: Lifeshaping
 Poem: by Linda De Clark
 Poem: Two Boxes of Black & Gold
 Poem:Thanks to my friend
 Poem: Start Over
 Poem: Footprints
 Poem: A Child's Point of View
 Poem: My interview with God
 Poem: My Guardian Angel
 Poem: Simple vs. Real Friends
 Poem: Slow Dance
 Poem: IF I had my life to live over
 Poem: My Love Thoughts About You!

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