My Precious Daughter Tammy

I remember that time so long ago when you came into this world
A precious daughter whose birth I rejoiced
Gently I cradled you in my arms and looked into your tiny face
Somehow, right then, I knew how special you were.
What an honour and privilege it was to have given you life.

For a brief moment our lives touched
For a short time, as mother and daughter, we shared something special
We forged a bond that could never be broken
A bond that time has never changed
A bond that would last forever

Then, all too soon, you were gone
A part of me longed to take you home to spend our lives together
Yet somehow I knew this was not to be
You were chosen before you were born
To share your life with another family.

I shed many tears, I felt the pain, the sacrifice was great
And although many times I questioned why
I knew what I did was right
I did it for you and you alone
so you could have everything you deserved

I knew that I would never, could never, be the same again
For, however brief, you touched my life
And when you left a part of me went with you
A part that was for you alone
It was my heart filled with all the love that it could hold

Through all those years I wondered what life had held for you
Were you happy, loved and cared for
Yet somehow, with a gentle peace, I knew
That somewhere out there
A family cherished you as their own.

How quickly the years flew by to that most wonderful day
Which is forever etched in my memory
When once again I held you in my arms and looked into your lovely face
Today I know more than ever how special you are
Once again I realise how honoured I am to have given you life.

So at this Joyous Christmas time
I give to you this golden heart
With all the love that it can hold
And hope that you will always remember
For you there was, and always is, a very special place.

All my love, your birthmother Vicki

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