Aaron's story


    Hi, my name is Shelly and I have a 4 year old with CP.His name is Aaron and he is the most beautiful little boy in the whole world. There really isn't a story to tell about Aaron. My pregnancy was perfectly normal.  I was induced when I was 2 weeks overdue and my delivery was pretty normal.
    Aaron was a 10 lb. baby boy.  I started to notice things, I think, at about 4 months old. Aaron is currently in school and has been since he was about 2 years old. He gets physical and occupational therapy 2 times a week for about 45 minutes each time.  He goes to school 4 days a week for about 2 hours a day as he tires out very easily. Aaron is very severe physically but very much above average mentally. He cannot walk, talk, sit on his own, has very little head control and no trunk control but he is as sharp as a whip.  He is in a wheel chair. He doesn't eat solid foods as he cannot chew and does not have the tongue movement.  He is basically on Pediasure (sucks it out of a bottle) and I am working on baby foods out of a bottle.
Aaron's story writen by Shelly Harris,  Aaron's mom.

If you would like please read my homepage.
( Shelly has the most beautiful poem on her page. Please take a moment to read it.)

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