Mr. Dan McClure's Story

I'm a 48 yro male with mixed CP. As for accomplishments, I was mainstreamed before the term was even coined. I transferred from special ed. to public school in the third grade. I had 19 surgeries before the age of 16 to get me up & walking. I went to HS completed that....then on to college where I earned a A.A., B.A., M. A. & a Ph.D. in Religious Studies at University California Santa Cruz. I did well and achieved in part because both my parents & I expected me to. Where there is a will there is a way.
    It's all a matter of perception really, of how you see yourself, your value & self worth, the world and your ability to make positive contributions to
the world. Problems & obstacles in life can be seen as either insoluble & impassible barriers or stepping stones to where you want to go. Mine are stepping stones<grin>.
    I worked at various trades to put myself thru college, Maintenance
Mechanic, Machinist, Auto Mechanic, Locksmith, Safe & Vault man, Alarm Specialist and finally Security Consultant. I've also taught college off & on. I've been married & divorced twice have two beautiful daughters and three step daughters.
    In 1985 I had a Workman's comp accident and ended up with an L4 spinal cord injury. The body I had worked so hard and so long to build was now gone.... shattered in the  blink of an eye..... I had to start all over again from square 1.... yet more surgeries, years more rehab.....well, you know the drill.....<smile> I started out as a complete quad, then I worked my way back up to para... then I moved on to household ambulator......
I now live independently -- on my own - I can drive a car W/O hand controls and I own & operate my own business.
    As it turned out my job accident was a blessing in disguise because the way I was going  Iwould have worn my joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons etc. completely out. Nowadays I no long attempt to be just like normal able-bodied people  -- I use a wheelchair & other assistive devices and technology to prolong and extend  my mobility, functionality & independence of what I hope to be a long life.

Dan's stry written and submitted by Dan McClure

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