Edward is now 2.5 years old. He was born ten weeks early and weighed 3.5 pounds.He had respiritory distress, was ventilated for 2 weeks and did not come off oxygen support until he had been home 4 weeks. He also had severe jaundice, liver problems, bradychardia (he would try to stop breathing and his heart would slow down every time anyone touched him!) and a heart murmur.
    He came home just before his due date - but he never caught up properly - the doctors were never completely happy. At eight months he was diagnosed with moderate cp.
    Now, at two and a half, he has asthma (nebulizer and inhalers), reflux
(oh what fun - not!), has had surgery to correct his squint and will
receive his walker very soon to learn to walk. That was the down side - on the other hand - he is a very happy child with a filthy laugh, he is talking non-stop, and seems to be a very bright little boy. Everybody locally knows Edward and he is a terrible flirt - calls out "pretty girl, pretty girl" to all pretty blond girls! I don't think he gets it from his father!
Anyway there is Edward - my pride and joy!
thanks to Renee Smith for Edward's story and picture

If you would like to learn more about Edward you can e-mail his mother at
[email protected]

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