Melanie's Story


    Melanie was born on Tuesday, March 22, 1994 at 12:04 am by emergency C-section. Her heart had stopped and she was not breathing. Doctors later determined that her cord was unusually thin and small and was very twisted. After she was born it took doctors and nurses 13 minutes to revive her. She was in severe distress and it did not look good for her.     She was put on a ventilator for 2 days and oxygen for a day after that before she was breathing completely on her own.
    I held her for the first time at 2 days old. Tubes, wires and all! At first we were told to expect her to be in the hospital for 3 to 6 months. Melanie came home at 18 days old!  We were also told by a %*$# doctor that we had a damaged child that would never show emotion and would remain in a vegetated state. This doctor has refused to see us 3 times now. We also had to deal with apnea for her first year, she seems to have grown out of it now.
    Melanie has CP (spastic quadriplegia), seizure disorder, suppressed immune system and is now classified as legally blind even though she has limited vision. She has been going to physical therapy since she was Now she is in a regular elementary school in a CDC multi handicap pre school class. She is in a wheelchair and beginning to use a 4 button talker (not
verbal but very vocal). At school she gets physical and occupational therapy, speech and even goes to music with the kindergarteners.
    Melanie is a happy kid who likes to eat and make funny sounds. She can't sit up or crawl, but when on her back she can scoot on the floor. Over all she is doing 200% more than anyone ever thought she would. We have our share of bad times (colds, hospital stays you name it) but there are more good times than bad. And the bottom line is...this is my kid, I chose to haveher and I choose to keep her. Melanie is my third daughter and makes our family complete..

    She had surgery on June 9th.. had a Fundoplacation (reflux fixed) and had G-tube put in place...... Spent 5 days in hospital, 3 of which she was on a morphine drip. She had been sick for about 2 months befor surgery and lost 6 pounds, she put 5 back on with in 2 weeks but lost 3 more from being sick the last 3 weeks. We had been putting off the feeding tube for about 3 years because she is a good eater, but for whatever reason she has not put on weight and her losing weight was getting more damaging. loss of muscle. etc... she is doing better now, eating some and taking regular tube feedings, I dont think she is fully recovered. but much improved. Weight in May was 27 pounds 6 0z. June 12th 21.1 July 3rd 26.3 last week(mid July)
Melanie's Story was written and submitted by Wissa
Melanie's Mom.

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