Michael's Story
Michael is a wonderful young man that I have had the very
great pleasure of working with. He has been a very big
inspiration to me and his genuine desire to succeed is one of the reasons
I love the job I do.

   Hello!  My name is Michael.  I am twenty-two years old.  Like the rest of the people whose stories appear on Willie's Story I also have Cerebral Palsy.  As a result I am in a wheelchair.
        I was born on August 21, 1978.  At birth I weighted a mere four pounds, and three ounces.  I was born eight weeks premature, and did not breathe on my own upon delivery.  When I was born the doctors who were caring for me did not expect me to live for three days.  After three days the doctors told my parents I would never walk or talk.  I spent forty-eight days in Intensive Care
before my mother was allowed to take me home from the hospital.  After that the doctors told my mother that I was all right, but she knew something was wrong.  Well to make along story short, after eight months of fighting with
doctors, I was tested, and it was discovered that I had Cerebral Palsy.
        From the very beginning I was put into special programs including OT & PT to help my parents and I deal with my disability.  From Kindergarten up
to, and including my recent completion of an Associates Degree in Political Science, I have been mainstreamed and included in regular classes for each grade.  Grades Kindergarten to 5th I went to school in New Hampshire.
        Because my father is in the United States Air Force I have had a chance to live and grow up in different places throughout the United States.  In one school district I attended in Miami Florida, the district refused to allow me to be mainstreamed in regular classes at first.  After along fight the district agreed to change my school, and mainstream me again.  Later I discovered a special Magnet Writing program I was interested in attending.  I had the grades, and
met all other requirements, but the school where the program was did not have any disabled students.  Well I wanted to attend the program. I did not care that no other disabled students were enrolled.  After another long fight the district allowed me to attend the program.
        After Hurricane Andrew the Air Force reassigned my family to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.  I completed my 8th & 9th grade years in
Ohio.  In June, 1994 my family was assigned to McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey.  On June 13, 1997 I graduated 35th in a class of 207 from Northern Burlington County Regional High School.
        In September, 1997 I began taking classes on an academic scholarship at Burlington County College.  While taking classes at Burlington County College in September 1999, I had the honor of meeting Linda Toplyn, the creator of this site, along with Willie, and the entire family. Linda works with me as a staff member in the Special Populations Department at Burlington
County College.  On May 20, 2000 I graduated with an Associates Degree in Political Science from Burlington County College.  I plan on returning
in the Fall, 2000, to pursue a second Associates Degree in History.
        My parents & I have not let my being in a wheelchair stop me from doing anything within reason.  From 2nd grade until 1998 I was an active member of the Boy Scouts of America in a regular troop.  From June, 1997 to January, 1998 I was the Senior Patrol Leader of my local troop. On numerous occasions I went camping with my Boy Scout Troops.  I even went on a camping trip on
an island in the Florida Keys which could only be accessed by boat.  Going hiking, and climbing mountains are things I have done in my wheelchair.
        Currently I am active in the Burlington County College Student Government Association.  I work with college students, staff, and faculty for the good of all students, not just those who are disabled.  My other interests include sports and government along with journalism, and many other areas.
        I can not say what my favorite sport is, because I like them all.  My favorite food is pasta, but I will eat almost anything, because I love food.
I like mint chocolate chip ice cream, and hot fudge sundaes.  I spend a lot of time communicating with people by E-mail, and telephone.  I have a lot of computer knowledge.
        Finally I would like to thank all my family & friends for all I have done in life thus far.  I realize that without help from a lot of people, most of all my family, my life would be very different.
        In closing, I would be remiss if I did not thank the creator of Willie's Story, and a very dear friend, Linda Toplyn, for giving me the opportunity to tell my story to you the Web Site user.  Let me leave you with the International
Special Olympics Oath words to live by when it comes to life.
"Let me win, but if I don't win let me be brave in the attempt."
Michael's Story written and submitted by Micheal

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