Sara's Story

    I have twin daughters that will be 4 years old on Sunday (May 10th, 1999). They were 9 weeks early weighing 2 lbs. 12 oz. and 2 lbs. 14 oz. They were so incredibly tiny!
    My first twin, Sara, had a "brain bleed".  It was a grade 1 that went to a grade 2 then back to a grade 1.  Later Sara was diagnosed with a mild form of cerebral palsy.  We didn't realize that something was wrong until her sister, Brook, started walking and Sara wasn't even close.
    We were referred to the AA Co. Infants and Toddlers program when Sara was about 9 months old.  They have been wonderful!  Sara has had therapy once a week for an hour/hour and a half since then. She got Botox injections in January 1998 and started PT two times a week for an hour each time.  The Botox injections have really helped her. The PT stressed that it was important to try to strengthen the weak muscles while the Botox was working in her system.  The only setback about the Botox is that it only lasts for 3-6 months. Well it's been 4 months and I can see a big difference in Sara. She was not walking at all before (except for holding onto the couch and moving down it) and now she uses her walker all the time. She even runs with it. She sits indian style and can even get her toe in her mouth! (I know that sounds gross, but the fact that she can bend her leg like that is incredible). She wears leg braces but her legs still turn in and she stands on her tip toes.  At least she's trying.  The other night she actually took 5 steps by herself with no help!!!  I was so excited and she was so proud of herself. Her sister was too.
    Sara goes to the daycare center where I work and is the only disabled child there.  I was afraid at first that she would get teased by the other children, but I'm happy to say that the other children are great with her.
They are curious about her walker and canes but -- they're children -- of course they are.
                    My Sara is a very loving, caring, happy little girl.
                               She smiles ALL THE TIME!!!
                       I am so proud of her.  She's a real trooper.
Story by Pamela Redmond, Sara's mom.

Sara and her sister Brook

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