
    As the parent of a child with cp I have learned that it is extremely important, for our emotional well being, to find others like ourselves with whom we can share our experiences. We need people who understand what we are going through, what we have been through, what we have yet to look forward to.
    I have found much of my support right here in the internet. I belong to a group of individuals who all know just how I feel. This group can be found at The Cerebral Palsy Network . Everyone in this particular group is either a parent of a child with cp, an adult with cp, or a professional who works with individuals who have cp. These people are located all over the world! From these people I have gained the ability to look at my sons disability for just what it is, a challenge.
    As we all know there is no ONE form of cp. Of the millions of people who have this condition no two are the same. As you can see from the stories featured on this site, cp is very diverse. There is athetoid, spastic, hypotonic, diplegic, triplegic, quadriplegic, hemispheric, mixed, and the list goes on and on and on....... any and all of these can be found in the ranges of mild, moderate,or severe. Just as there is no one form of cp, there is no ONE treatment that will work for all individuals or even most individuals. Through the support of others we can learn about many of the treatments available.
     Many different support groups can be found on the internet for those of us who feel the need for the added understanding that support can bring:

The Cerebral Palsy Network: Group of parents, individuals, and professionals all concerned with cerebral palsy and its many forms, treatments, and combined problems. They have an e-mail loop as well as daily chats for shareing of information, or just being silly and blowing off steam.

 CPParent: Group of parents who all have children who have cerebral palsy. Here you will find representatives from nearly every type of cp there is as well as individuals who have tried nearly every treament known. This group has an e-mail loop.

 Kidpower Forum : Group of parents and individuals mainly but not exclusively concerned with mild cerebral palsy in its many forms. This group has an e-mail loop as well as chats.

 Our Kids: This group is non-disability specific. Here you will find many many different disabilities represented (including cerebral palsy). Thousands of issues are discussed in their e-mail newsletter everyday.

Hemikids: Support for parents of children with hemiplegia, hemiparesis, or cerebral palsy on one side of the body. Features Hemi-Kids e-mail list.

Lissencephaly Network, Inc: Type specific support group

Microcephaly support group:Type specific support group

Schiz Kidz Buddies:Type specific support group

Cerebral Palsy Big Sibling Program :A program to assist, support and inform the siblings of those with Cerebral Palsy.

Cerebral Palsy Caregivers' Community :Virtual community for home caregivers featuring hundreds of articles, animated caregiving skills
demonstrations, and a free "Ask an Expert" service. Connect with other Cerebral Palsy caregivers through chat rooms, disscussion, free e-mail.

Cerebral Palsy Email Exchange: Listing of disabled persons, parents of disabled, and others who want email penpals or wish to correspond with
others about common problems and solutions.

SUSIE'S CEREBRAL PALSY HOME PAGE:  "The Only True Disability is People's Attitudes!" "This website says beyond a thousand words. It touches emotions in the mind and heart. It gives The NEW Definition of Cerebral Palsy extra added power to it's mission of education, awareness and advocating Cerebral Palsy. Bulletin Board postings can be found on this site.

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