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Klingon Weapons

A traditional Klingon dagger with extra blades that -- with the flip of a switch -- snap out at an angle below the main blade, to make the knife even more deadly. It has been in use for over a century, possibly for a good deal longer. It is often used in Klingon rituals.

A one handed weapon, used in close combat.

A Klingon variant of a spear, used in close combat, and for ranged attacks.

A Bat´leth, a great weapon of close combat, used often with both hands. The Bat´leth tournament is held on Forcas III once per year

A Klingon Pain Stick. Ofted used in different rituals

Disruptor Weapons

An older version of a distuptor pistol used in Star Trek The Original Series. The disruptor is the Klingon Empire's ship-mounted weaponry as well as its troops' sidearms.

One of the many variants of disruptor pistols used within the Empire. The disruptor is the Klingon Empire's ship-mounted weaponry as well as its troops' sidearms.

Another variant of the disruptor pistol. The disruptor is the Klingon Empire's ship-mounted weaponry as well as its troops' sidearms

Disruptor energy rifle, with an extension for shoulder support. The disruptor is the Klingon Empire's ship-mounted weaponry as well as its troops' sidearms.