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Klingon Customs
Klingon Mating Customs
The first important female ceremony is the Age of Mate which occurs at 15 years of age. At this time the female is given a necklace, jinaq, to wear and show that she is ready to take a mate. The Wedding is at the home of the Bride's father. The groom, wears a Military uniform, or a brown robe if not in the military, and the bride wears a bridal dress. There is no need for a clery to conduct it. A Selection and commitment to a mate One mate says the words "jIH dok" (my blood) in which the other replies "maj dok" (our blood). At this point the marriage vows are sealed To complete the ceromony, both the husband and wife say "Tlinghan jIH" during the ceremony. It translates as " I am a Klingon".

Mauk-to 'Vor
This ritual involves the killing of an individual so that his honor can be restored

Klingon death ritual
The Klingon death ritual is a ceremony practiced by Klingons upon the death of a comrade. The eyes of the fallen warrior are pried open while the other warriors let loose a powerful howl. Klingons belief holds that the howl warns the dead that a Klingon warrior is about to arrive.

hegh'bat ceremony
The hegh'bat ceremony is a ritualized suicide. Klingon tradition held that when a Klingon was unable to stand and face his enemies, he should choose the hegh'bat. The rite called for the eldest son or a trusted friend of the celebrant to deliver a ritual knife to the warrior, who would impale himself in the chest. The son or friend would then remove the knife and wipe it on his sleeve.

Rite of MajQa
One of the most important ceromonies a Klingon male will ever have the honor of going through. The male is placed in the caves of No' Mat, an extremely hot place, for about 2 hours. The heat is supposed to induce visions. The vision seen is of some importance. Sometimes it is the vision of a long dead person. But there have been those that have seen the vision of Kahless himself.

Klingon Warriors
A Klingon, since it is born, is bred to be a warrior. A Klingon male is first considered to be a man when he can hold a blade in his hand. Klingon warriors prefer their hair unkempt, along with their goatees and mustaches.