Newsletter of the Potteries Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

August/September 1999 Issue No 88


The CAMRA (Potteries Branch) event of the year, the 19th Stoke Beer Festival begins at 6pm on Tuesday 7th September, a day earlier than usual.

For the second year in succession, the venue will be the Student's Union building at Staffordshire University's Leek Road campus.

Such was the popularity of last year's festival that this year's event will open a day earlier, on Tuesday evening, to give beer lovers the opportunity to sample a quiet drink before the crowds come in later in the week.

Fancy something to eat? This year, the catering facilities will be a vast improvement on anything available before, as the university's restaurant will be open for the duration of the festival. With plenty of room to sit down, why not eat at the festival? Soft drinks, tea and coffee will also be available.

Experience gained from last year will lead to improved beer quality, and air conditioning units are being employed to keep the beer temperature at the correct level. The best of British and foreign beers and ciders will be available.

Forget the queues, and not being able to get in, the university is a much larger venue than the King's Hall, so it should be possible to come anytime during the evening (before 10.30pm) and get in, Live music is scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, and Saturday lunchtime.

Finally, don't forget that everyone who serves at the festival is an unpaid volunteer. Be Patient!

Stoke Beer Festival Info Page.

Issue 88 Articles

Pub of the Month CAMRA Prices Survey Pints of View Potteries Pub Preservation Group Pub News & Reviews

Belgium in a Bottle Titanic News Other Articles


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