Diary of George I. Burrow

Part 2

June 17, 1942

Arrived at Ft. Des Moines this morning. Passed my physical exam today & left by pullman for Ft. Leavenworth tonight.

June 18, 1942

Arrived in Ft. Leavenworth today. Took my two classification exams this afternoon & got a bunk in Co. C 2.

June 19, 1942

Found out that I did well on my exams & I will be recommended for the Air Corps. Took a shot in the arm this morning that made me sick.

June 20, 1942

Did some drilling this morning. Pulled weeds on detail duty this P.M. Wrote to the folks, Bud, & Stan & Glennadene this afternoon.

**June 21, 1942**

Went to church in the little chapel this morning. The chaplin gave a splendid service. Also went this evening for vespers. Got my shipping orders.

June 22, 1942

Left Ft. Leavenworth this afternoon at about 1:00 P.M. None of us knows where we are headed for, but we are going east now.

June 23, 1942

Still on the train & still going east. Got a trainman to make a guess as to our destination. He guessed somewhere in Virginia.

June 24, 1942

Arrived at Camp Pickett, Virginia this morning at 9:30. Took two shots in the arm that made me pretty sick.

June 25, 1942

I was sent to my permament barracks this afternoon where I was issued a gas mask & all my pack equipment.

June 26, 1942

[Entry for this date is crossed out (the calendar was printed incorrectly)--reads the same as June 24, 1942, with the addition of "tonight" at the end. He must have turned two pages.]

June 27, 1942

[This is also crossed out. However, June 25 is written above and the entry reads as follows:] I was sent to my permament station today. I am in the 313th Infantry of the 79 division & in Company M of this Inf.

**June 28, 1942**

[This entry is also crossed out. However, June 26 is written above and the entry reads as follows:] We cleaned up around the barracks this morning & this afternoon we went out into the woods across the street.

June 29, 1942

Our drilling started in earnest today with physical training & just plain marching. It isn't so very bad.

June 30, 1942

More drilling.

July 1, 1942

More drilling. The chow is rather scarce.

July 2, 1942

We were issued rifles and had to clean them. A big job with about an eighth of an inch of grease on them.

July 3, 1942

More drill. No butter for chow & coffee and iced tea to drink.

July 4, 1942

Not much celebrating today. Probably the quietest 4th I ever spent. Drilled this morning.

**July 5, 1942**

Went to church, bible school, and vespers today. Enjoyed all three. Chaplain (F)agan had charge of Bible school & church.

July 6, 1942

Started machine gun drill. I asked sergeant Meares for a transfer to the air corps but was refused.

July 7, 1942

More drill with machine guns. The chow is getting better, but not too good yet.

July 8, 1942

Went to the mid-week prayer meeting at the Chapel tonight. Chaplain Lam had charge of it. I enjoyed it.

July 9, 1942

Went to the Thursday night song fest & choir practice. We sang until about 9:30. Really had a good time.

July 10, 1942

More drill. We sat down at the tables & passed the grub for chow today.

July 11, 1942

Got 2 packages from the folks today. They sent dates, cookies, spud chips, cheese, stationery, shoe kit & ink.

**July 12, 1942**

Went to church & Bible School this morning & to vespers tonight. Chap. Lam had the church service. I am beginning to enjoy it a lot.

July 13, 1942

Went out on the rifle range with .22 caliber rifles today. I didn't make a very good score though. It was 53.

July 14, 1942

Had machine gun drill this morning & this afternoon I worked in the supply room doing almost nothing.

July 15, 1942

Didn't get to mid-week prayer meeting tonight. I helped in the supply room all afternoon and evening.

July 16, 1942

Had a sore throat & didn't get to choir practice. Helped Corporal Sommoers work on the pay roll tonight and signed it.

July 17, 1942

Lt. Mazar asked me to make up a machine gun score card for him. I worked on it tonight.

July 18, 1942

Was appointed Pvt. First Class today after an inspection. Worked on target frames this afternoon.

**July 19, 1942**

Went to Bible school, church, & vespers today. Went to Blackstone tonight. Wanted to send a telegram to Maxine but couldn't.

July 20, 1942

Went to Blackstone again tonight to send Macky a telegram, but they wanted too much money so I wrote.

July 21, 1942

Went to Machine gun range today. I keep the scores. It is interesting work.

July 22, 1942

Just plain drill. [This entry and the next are written across two pages as one entry.]

July 23, 1942

Just plain drill.

July 24, 1942

The usual drill. [This entry and the next are written across two pages as one entry.]

July 25, 1942

The usual drill.

**July 26, 1942**

Went to Church & S.[unday] S.[chool] in Blackstone this morning. I really enjoyed it. The people seem to be very nice.

July 27, 1942

Nothing of importance. Just the usual drill.

July 28, 1942

Nothing but drill. [This entry and the next are written across two pages as one entry.]

July 29, 1942

Nothing but drill.

July 30, 1942

Fired the machine gun for record today & I made 168 out of a possible 200.

July 31, 1942

Many of the men were disappointed today as they expected to be paid today, but it won't be till tomorrow.

August 1, 1942

I was in Charge of Quarters today & had the job of turning down passes to a lot of fellows who wanted to spend their pay.

**August 2, 1942**

Planned to go to Church in town, but forgot my pass & didn't get there. Went in the evening though & enjoyed it.

August 3, 1942

The usual drill. [This entry & the next are written across 2 pages as 1 entry.]

August 4, 1942

The usual drill.

August 5, 1942

Just plain drill. [This entry & the next are written across 2 pages as 1 entry.]

August 6, 1942

Just plain drill.

August 7, 1942

Fired for rifle for record. I made 168 out of 220. Just plain drill.

August 8, 1942

I was appointed to the rank of corporal today. I don't know how I made it in 3 weeks. One isn't supposed to go up but a grade a month.

**August 9, 1942**

Went to Church & S.[unday] S.[chool] in Blackstone this morning & to church this evening. I helped wash dishes in the kitchen at church.

August 10, 1942

Just the usual drill today. We started the bayonet drill today.

August 11, 1942

I was Charge of Quarters today. I enjoy the work a lot.

August 12, 1942

I worked in the orderly room all day today. I typed next week's drill schedule.

August 13, 1942

I worked in the orderly room again all day today. I did some typing & running around.

August 14, 1942

Started drilling again today for a change. Just the same old thing.

August 15, 1942

Had a full field inspection today. I was issued my corporal's warrant. It is official now. Hear we're moving.

**August 16, 1942**

Went to church & S.S. in Blackstone again this morning. Went to a movie "The Power of God" in the chapel this evening.

August 17, 1942

We went on a 12 mile hike this morning. I came back in pretty good condition & not so very tired.

August 18, 1942

I ran a film projector for Lt. Mazur this morning & as a result I didn't drill, but about 20 minutes before noon.

August 19, 1942

Planned to go to town again tonight, but helped Sgt. (Hamlet) put his motorcycle in Frank Gensler's car to go to Florida.

August 20, 1942

Ran a flim projector for Lt. Brown. Went to town tonight & played badmitten for a while. Had a very good time.

August 21, 1942

We went on the obstacle course this afternoon. It is a lot of fun even if it does tire a fellow. Attended a revival meeting tonight.

August 22, 1942

Went to town & played games & sung songs at the Methodist recreation hall until after 9:00 p.m.

**August 23, 1942**

The Company was restricted today so I went to Church in the Chapel this morning. I enjoyed the service quite a bit.

August 24, 1942

About all that we did today was clean up around the Company in preparation for moving.

August 25, 1942

We left Camp Pickett at 11:30 A.M. today. We had to sleep without blankets last night & I thought I would freeze to death.

August 26, 1942

Still on the way. We have been travelling through Georgia almost all day. The country is mostly swamp.

August 27, 1942

Arrived in Camp (Blonding), Florida this morning at 3:30. Cleaned up around the barracks all day.

August 28, 1942

I worked on the walks in front of the barracks all day today. I sort of like the work.

August 29, 1942

Worked on the walks in front of the barracks again this morning. Talked religion to pfc. Kos(h)i all afternoon & evening.

**August 30, 1942**

Went to Bible school, church, & vespers in the Chapel today. Went swimming this afternoon & had a good time.

August 31, 1942

We had a full field inspection this morning. This afternoon I worked on the walks in front of the barracks again.

September 1, 1942

I worked in the orderly room most of the forenoon. This afternoon the company went swimming & I had a good time.

September 2, 1942

Had my first taste of drilling a platoon today. The company went swimming again this afternoon.

September 3, 1942

Did some more work as drill master today. Drilled a squad today. Worked on the walk this afternoon.

September 4, 1942

Got paid this afternoon. All we did this afternoon was play football until it rained us out.

September 5, 1942

Pfc. Hogg & I worked on a double apron wire fence all forenoon. I washed clothes all afternoon.

**September 6, 1942**

Went to Bible school & church this morning. Went to Starke, Fla. this P.M. & saw the picture "This above all".

September 7, 1942

The Company went on a 5 or 6 mile hike this morning. Lt. Mazur appointed me acting platoon Sgt.

September 8, 1942

I led a discussion at the Chapel tonight. I wasn't much of a success as I prepared it for college students instead of 8th grade.

September 9, 1942

Went into Starke tonight & bought a radio to put in the barracks, & got some pictures.

September 10, 1942

I have been giving lectures all week on the construction of a double apron wire fence. (Hazel's birthday.)

September 11, 1942

Was appointed Sergeant yesterday. Went to Starke this evening & sent a birthday telegram to Dad.

September 12, 1942

Dad's birthday. We had inspection today but I didn't have to stand it as I am platoon Sgt. Slept most of the afternoon.

**September 13, 1942**

Went to church in Starke. Saw the show "Reap the Wild Winds" and later "Gracie Allen and the Murder Case". The latter at the U.S.O.

September 14, 1942

Had the regular drill today. We went out into the woods to practice some night operations.

September 15, 1942

We went on our first night problem tonight. Our platoon was the quietest & darkest. It rained most of the time.

September 16, 1942

I failed to fall out for drill yesterday P.M. Was asleep. I reported to the C.O. today. Hope nothing serious comes of it.

September 17, 1942

Went on another night problem tonight. We had a demonstration on sounds & lights at night.

September 18, 1942

Sprained a finger playing football yesterday. Spent all A.M. today getting an X ray taken. It was pretty sore.

September 19, 1942

Got C.[onfined to] Q.[uarters] for the weekend for not falling out for drill Tues. P.M. so I'm at it now.

**September 20, 1942**

Still at C.Q. The M.P.s brought a drunken soldier in tonight. Two men returned from A.W.O.L.

September 21, 1942

The regular drill schedule today. Lt. Mazur scared me by telling me that I was to give a lecture today, but I didn't.

September 22, 1942

Went on another problem tonight. We captured 3 prisoners. I had a swell time at it. Saluted a general today.

September 23, 1942

Went to prayer meeting in the Chapel tonight. I enjoyed the services. I'm to mount guard tomorrow evening.

September 24, 1942

I had to lecture before the machine gun platoons on fire control orders. Mounted guard as sergeant of the guard at 6:30 tonight.

September 25, 1942

Was on guard all day today. It was surely lonesome. Almost nothing to do. We were guarding the 27th (29th) div. area, & they have moved out.

September 26, 1942

Not much going on around here today. Got dismissed from the hospital today. My sprained finger is getting a little better.

**September 27, 1942**

Attended services in the Chapel this morning. I took over C. 2. this afternoon for Cpl. John (Clarkes); a swell guy.

September 28, 1942

Went into Starke tonight for an hour or so. Bought a hat & a few other items. Came back in a taxi with Sgt. Robinson.

September 29, 1942

Went on another night problem tonight. They nearly wore us out double timing through sand. One guy did pass out.

September 30, 1942

Got paid today. I attended the prayer services in the chapel this evening & went to the picture "Mrs. Miniver" for the second time.

October 1, 1942

Had one man in the Platoon AWOL today so they punished the paltoon by making us walk 5 miles. I carried a machine gun tripod half the way.

October 2, 1942

I have been lecturing all week on tactics. It has been pretty cold all week. We didn't have any swimming classes.

October 3, 1942

Had a regimental inspection today. My platoon was O.K. until they inspected the machine gun. All the platoon is restricted.

**October 4, 1942**

Went to Bible school, church, & vespers in the Chapel today. Today was world-wide Communion Sunday for soldiers. First time I ever took communion with fermented wine.

October 5, 1942

Called Betty on the phone tonight. Gee it was great to talk with her again even for a few minutes.

October 6, 1942

Stayed up until after 12:00 getting ready for an inspection by the 3rd Corps commander, Gen. Lucas.

October 7, 1942

Stood an inspection by Gen. Lucas today. I believe that M. Company was about the best outfit.

October 8, 1942

Back to drill today & out to the aerial target range. We slept in our "pup" tents tonight.

October 9, 1942

Went to the landscape target range today & back into camp & prepared for tomorrow's inspection.

October 10, 1942

Well I guess the inspection was O.K. They say we leave at 10:00 A.M. for the M.[achine] G.[un] range tomorrow.

**October 11, 1942**

Didn't leave to the range until 2:30 P.M., so I attended church & Bible school in the Chapel.

October 12, 1942

Fired the machine guns at (blasting/floating?) targets today. Had a hard time digging implacements.

October 13, 1942

Fired rifles at the floating targets this P.M. Nearly froze Sunday night, but had a comforter last night.

October 14, 15, 16, 17, 1942

[Evidently some pages fell out, or the diary was misprinted. George wrote in the dates after the 14th.] Marched back to camp today. It was about 12 or 13 miles.

[New comment] The usual drill & inspection. Hitch hiked to Sarasota on the 17th.

October **18**, 19, 1942

[The other side of the page that fell out or was misprinted. George wrote in the 18th.] Had a swell time in Sarasota with the Branches [who is this?] It is a beautiful city. Back to the regular duty.

October 20, 1942

Been seeing a lot of shows lately. Saw "Flying Tigers" tonight. It was fair. Just a war picture.

October 21, 1942

Went out on a 2 day batallion maneuver today. It was all pretty confusing to me today.

October 22, 1942

Continued the batallion maneuver today. I'm beginning to understand what is going on now.

October 23, 1942

[The diary WAS misprinted. This was originally printed as October 15, but George has written in 23]. Came back into camp again today. Didn't do much except clean up our rifles and machine guns.

October 24, 1942

[October 16 crossed out with 24 written in] Not much of importance happened today. Just the usual inspection. I didn't lay out my equipment though.

**October 25, 1942

[October 17 crossed out, with 25 written in] Went to Bible School, church, Epworth League, & evening worship in the Methodist church in Starke today. Had a grand time.

October 26, 1942

[October 18 crossed out with 26 written in] Started the regimental exams today. The second platoon was examined today. The rest of the company sat in.

October 27, 1942

The first platoon was examined on interior guard duty today. We didn't do very well on general orders.

October 28, 1942

The first platoon was examined on the machine gun today & we didn't come through very well.

October 29, 1942

The first platoon was examined on gas attacks today. We came out quite well.

October 30, 1942

I went through the gas chamber this afternoon. Boy that tear gas takes hold. My mask proved good.

October 31, 1942

[October 23 crossed out with 31 written in] Hitch-hiked to Sarasota today. Got there about 9:15 P.M. & took a taxi out to Branches [who are these people?]

**November 1, 1942**

[October 24 crossed out with November 1 written in] Went boat riding with Julian today & had a swell time. Hitch hiked back to camp this afternoon.

November 2, 1942

[October 25 crossed out with November 2 written in] Corps tests started today. The first platoon was examined on hand grenades & the machine gun. Did fair.

November 3, 1942

[October 26 crossed out with November 3 written in] Called Betty tonight & talked 6 minutes with her. It was surely grand to hear her voice again. Hope I will see her soon.

November 4, 1942

Was on C.Q. today. Put in my name for furlough. (Odie Mcamis) cut his hand tonight.

November 5, 1942

Learned today that my furlough will probably start Tuesday, Nov. 10. Bought some things to take home with me.

November 6, 1942

Nothing of importance happened today. The drill is all old stuff & is rather (boresome/lonesome??). [The next is either smuged or crossed out.] Took over C.Q. for Sgt. Hamley.

November 7, 1942

Took over C.Q. for Sgt. Hamley. Had about four hours of bayonet drill yesterday. Boy it is nearly killing & I don't like it.

**November 8, 1942**

[October 31 crossed out and November 8 written in] Had a false fire alarm at 12:30 last night. Pulled C.Q. all day today, but got off to go to church this morning.

November 9, 1942

[November 1 crossed out with 9 written in] Was in charge of detail this P.M. to clean up the stoves for the officers. Leave on furlough tomorrow 5:00 P.M.


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