Diary of George I. Burrow

Part 3

November 10, 1942

[November 2 crossed out with 10 written in] Left on my furlough tonight. Decided to hitch hike. I have 14 days. Had to lecture all afternoon on the machine gun.

November 11, 1942

Hiked all last night & all day today. I have been seeing a lot of very interesting country.

November 12, 1942

Hiked all last night & today. Got to Iowa City at 9:00 P.M. & went up to see Betty. It was grand seeing her.

November 13, 1942

Saw some of my old friends around Iowa City. Bought some roses for Betty & came home. Stopped in Waterloo & saw Macky.

November 14, 1942

Spent most of the afternoon helping Macky get her gasoline ration book.

**November 15, 1942**

Went to church & Sunday School in Frederika today. Went to Independence to see Grandma. She is a lot better.

November 16, 1942

[November 8 crossed out with 16 written in] Helped Arnold thresh some of his beans. Gave Gin & Arn. a table cover for their wedding anniversary.

[Next four pages are blank. November 9 is crossed out with 13 written in. And, November 10 is crossed out, with 4 written over the 0. November 11 is crossed out with 5 written over the 1. November 16 is just blank.]

November 17, 1942

Helped Arnold with his threshing again today. Wrote a letter to Betty asking her for a date Sat. night.

November 18, 1942

Went to Sumner & ate dinner with Uncle Bill & Aunt Ada. Ate supper at the Methodist church in Sumner & met some friends.

November 19, 1942

Did a little work on Maxine's car today. It runs pretty good with the new engine, but it cost her plenty.

November 20, 1942

Went to Waterloo & got Macky. Bud wants her to come to Wyoming & get married. I hope that she doesn't.

November 21, 1942

Ate dinner at Aunt Mary's. Saw Grandma this afternoon. Went to Iowa City & took Betty to see the picture "Mrs. Miniver". She was surely grand & I enjoyed the evening a lot.

**November 22, 1942**

Saw Mrs. Romp & Bob Briggs. Attended S.S. at the Center. Spent about an hour with Bety & started for camp at 1:00 P.M.

November 23, 1942

Hiked all last night and today. Left Iowa in a snow storm. Have been going through wet weather all the way so far.

November 24, 1942

Hiked all last night & got to camp at about 4:30 this afternoon. Furlough is over, but I have some good memories.

November 25, 1942

Attended prayer meeting in the Chapel tonight. Wrote a letter to Betty tonight. No reveille in the morning.

November 26, 1942

Attended Thanksgiving services in the chapel this morning. Took over C.Q. for Cpl. Wilson this P.M. Have really enjoyed the day.

November 27, 1942

Did some lecturing on the machine gun today. Went to a propaganda picture on why we are in the war. (Part of the training)

November 28, 1942

Planned to go to St. Augustine today, but I was assigned to C.Q. for tomorrow. I have all the luck.

**November 29, 1942**

Had C.Q. today, but got off long enough to go to vesper services tonight. Wrote a letter to Betty tonight.

November 30, 1942

Started attending the regimental Gas school today. I believe I'm going to enjoy it a lot.

December 1, 1942

Went to the picture "You were never lovier" [sic]. Reminded me of Betty. I wonder if I'll ever convince her that I really love her.

December 2, 1942

Still going to gas school. We dug a gasproof shelter this afternoon. Wrote a letter to Betty tonight.

December 3, 1942

Learned how to decontaminate a gassed area. Started my application for O.[fficer] C.[andidate] S.[chool] last night. Hope I get there.

December 4, 1942

Took my gas school exam today. Believe that I got a perfect score. Got a letter from Mom & Dad & also one from Jin.

December 5, 1942

Took over C.Q. for Sgt. Loopzer tonight. Went to the show earlier. The picture was "Thunder Birds". It was pretty good.

**December 6, 1942**

Received a box of candy from Harry & Ardeline Colton. Went to Bible School, church & vespers in the Chapel. Finished reading the book King's Row. Wrote a letter to Betty.

December 7, 1942

We have been in the war for a year now. Wonder how much longer we'll be in it. Saw the picture "Rhythm [George had trouble spelling it.] Parade". Wrote to the folks.

December 8, 1942

Hiked about 7 or 8 miles out to a combat range this afternoon & pitched tents. We stay out for 2 1/2 days.

December 9, 1942

Rained almost all last night, but my tent didn't leak. Fired the Machine Gun at surprise targets today. Hiked to another range.

December 10, 1942

Had a better place to sleep last night. Fired at surprise targets again & hiked a painful 12 miles back into camp. Got a letter from Betty.

December 11, 1942

Not much of importance today. Just old stuff for drill. Pressed my clothes for inspection tomorrow.

December 12, 1942

Lectured to Lt. Mazen's recruits on gas this morning & part of the afternoon. Took them to the gas chamber this afternoon.

**December 13, 1942**

Attended Bible School, morning & evening worship & Epworth League at the Meth. church in Starke. Had a very good time. Enjoyed it a lot.

December 14, 1942

Went to Starke tonight & bought some Christmas presents for Betty, Mom & Macky. Also had my picture taken.

December 15, 1942

Went out on a problem tonight. I am section leader in the second platoon now. I like it better than instrument cpl.

December 16, 1942

Went to town & choose [sic] my proof for my pictures. Attended prayer meeting & choir practice in the Meth. church. They are grand people.

December 17, 1942

Went to town & bought some Christmas presents tonight. Took my physical examination for O.C.S. Guess I've been accepted.

December 18, 1942

The company had a spree of moving around tonight. I changed barracks & I like it better.

December 19, 1942

Had a big inspection today. They expected Gen (McNare), but he didn't hit our company.

**December 20, 1942**

Atended services in the Meth. Church in Starke today. Also sang in the choir. I enjoyed it quite a lot.

Decmeber 21, 1942

Not much happened today. Went to the service (club) tonight & (sang/sung) Christmas carols for a half hour. Enjoyed it a lot.

December 22, 1942

Went out to the artillery range & watched the artillery fire. This afternoon we went out to a combat range. We rode out. Imagine it.

December 23, 1942

Fired the machine guns today. Hiked back into camp tonight & I'm pretty tired. Darn those full field packs with shoes.

December 24, 1942

The company had its first alert this forenoon. It didn't amount to much. Took up a whole half day.

December 25, 1942

Had C.Q. today. The day didn't seem much like Christmas to me. Didn't even get my presents.

December 26, 1942

Got my presents from home today. Went to Sarasota this afternoon for the weekend. Enjoyed the trip.

**December 27, 1942**

As usual I had a swell time at Branches today. Had to be back in camp at midnight though. That makes a short day.

December 28, 1942

All the pvts. & pfcs. are out with D. Co. today so only the N.C.Os. [Non-Commissioned Officers] were left for regular drill.

December 29, 1942

Pvts. & pfcs gone again today with H. Co. & the N.C.O.s. are carrying machine guns around.

December 30, 1942

Co. M took the proficiency test today. We were the best in the division & the major was sore at us, too.

December 31, 1942

Packed some clothes to leave for O.C.S. Sat. Went to watch party service in the Chapel tonight.

January 1, 1943

Went to St. Augustine, Fla. today. Saw (Ft. Marion) fountain of Youth & other things of interest.

January 2, 1943

Left today for Fort Benning, Ga. to attend O.C.S. Hope I make the grade. I hope I hope I hope.

**January 3, 1943**

Arrived in Columbus, Ga. at 9:30 this morning & attended S.S. in the Baptist church & communion in Presbyterian church. Went out to camp this afternoon & started making out forms. Typed at the personnel office from 6:00 to 12:00 P.M.

January 4, 1943

Found out that I was assigned to class 211 today. Went through the job of making out a lot more forms etc. Had my picture taken this afternoon. Wrote a letter to Betty. We can't have cameras around here.

January 5, 1943

Was assigned to my company today & was transferred to my training regt. They say that the 1st Regt. is the best.

January 6, 1942

Spent most of the day getting settled & finding out where we are. I bought several things from the quartermaster.

January 7, 1943

Classes began today. I believe that I'm going to like it quite well. Moved to another barracks tonight.

January 8, 1943

Continued with classes today. They are really going to push us plenty. It rained off & on all day long.

January 9, 1943

I really like this training even if it is thick & fast. Wrote a letter to Betty tonight. Gee she's a swell girl.

**January 10, 1943**

Attended Bible School, morning & evening worship & Young Peoples meeting at the Chapel. It is a very beautiful chapel, & I liked it a lot.

January 11, 1943

Back to the studies again. I really enjoy them a lot. Sent a letter home & wrote to Uncle Bill & Aunt Ada tonight. Hope I get some mail tomorrow.

January 12, 1943

Started on the obstacle course today. It wasn't bad, but will be harder later. Didn't get any mail. Hope to get some tomorrow.

January 13, 1943

Had a night problem. My group did very poorly by ending up 1500 yards off. Got a letter from Stan & Glenadene today.

January 14, 1943

Did some marching by compass. Came out pretty good. No mail today. Wrote a letter to Betty tonight. Hope to hear from her pretty soon.

January 15, 1943

Took the G.T. [General Test??] in map reading today. Did pretty well except for orienting a photograph. Got some mail today.

January 16, 1943

Got a letter from Dad today. Macky is leaving for Wyoming around next Sunday the 24th. Hope she is happy.

**January 17, 1943**

Got letters from Mom & Jin. Went to church services at the Chapel. Had a bad rain tonight. The streets were flooded to the curbs.

January 18, 1943

Another big rain today. We really got wet too. Had to have rifle marksmanship inside this afternoon.

January 19, 1943

Called home tonight. Tried it last night, but couldn't make them hear. Bid Macky so long. She leaves for Wyoming next Tuesday.

January 20, 1943

Fired for record today. Only made marksman. Wish Betty would make up her mind to write soon.

January 21, 1943

Finished rifle marksmanship today. Studied foreign maps this P.M. Lt. Miller is a swell guy. Ran the obstacle course this P.M.

January 22, 1943

Started training on the machine gun. Still nothing from Betty & I wish she would write. Went to choir practice tonight.

January 23, 1943

Began work on the light machine gun today. Went to the show tonight, but it wasn't anything extraordinary.

**January 24, 1943**

I was C.Q. today. Got a letter from Betty. Hot Dog. It was certainly welcome. She plans to teach school next year. [She did. She took a year off from college, teaching at a country school beyond Muscatine Avenue in Iowa City. Got into trouble with Catholics for teaching so much about the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses too.]

January 25, 1943

Studied the machine gun all day. We have it for the rest of the week & probably some after that.

January 26, 1943

Fired the Light machine gun for record. I made expert with a score of 222 from a possible 256.

January 27, 1943

Fired heavy machine gun for record. Made 2nd gunner with a score of 168 from 200. Also took the M.G.G.T. [Machine Gun General Test??] Saw a good show tonight.

January 28, 1943 More on the machine gun today. It is all old stuff though. Fire orders, characteristics & classes of fire, etc.

January 29, 1943

Started indirect laying of the machine gun today. Took up the aiming circle & range finder.

January 30, 1943

Did some firing from defiladed positions today. Had to hike through mud to get to the range. Got a letter from Mom.

**January 31, 1943**

Went to the services in the post chapel today. I enjoy them a lot. Wrote several letters tonight.

February 1, 1943

More work on indirect laying. Worked on a T O G [??] problem that didn't turn out so very good. Got some poor ranges.

February 2, 1943

Took the machine gun GT [general test??] on indirect laying etc. Missed two questions. Got paid tonight. Hot dog. Betty's going to get a valentine.

February 3, 1943

Started to work on the layout, grenade & B.A.R. [Browning Automatic Rifle] Got a card from Macky saying that she & Bud were marrid [sic] Friday.

February 4, 1943

Got a card from Jin saying that she is going to stay & help Macky move wherever she & Bud are going.

February 5, 1943

Continued out training in layout, grenade, & B.A.R. We have almost a week of it.

February 6, 1943

Got a letter from Mom today. Went to Columbus tonight & bought some candy & a pen & pencil set for Betty.

**February 7, 1943**

Attended Bible school, morning & evening worship, & league in the chapel today. Had to rate our section this weekend.

February 8, 1943

Got a nice long letter from Macky today. She is in Scottsbluff, Nebr. She seems quite happy.

February 9, 1943

Took the B.A.R. grenade & bayonet GT today. I only missed one question. [Crossed out-Had a night problem tonight & learned a little about night patrolling etc.]

February 10, 1943

Had night problem on patrolling & recognizing various sounds at night. I[t] rained & made it hard. [Crossed out--Got a letter from Betty & mother today. Betty's letter was really welcome as I hadn't heard from her for 3 weeks.]

February 11, 1943

Got a letter from Betty today, & was it ever welcome. Haven't heard from her for over 3 weeks.

February 12, 1943

Got a letter from grandmother today. It surely was good to hear from her. Also heard from Virginia.

February 13, 1943

Went to Columbus tonight to get Betty's birthday present, a pen & pencil set. Wanted her name put on, but couldn't get it done.

**February 14, 1943**

Joined the Service Men's Christian League tonight, & also led the first meeting here at Ft. Benning. It was a fair success.

February 15, 1943

Took the G.T. on technique of rifle firing today. Missed one question. Saw the picture "Star Spangled rhythm". Pretty good too.

February 16, 1943

Saw a very good demonstration of the Batallion in attack & how the arty [artillery], chem. warfare & tanks cooperate. Saw the picture "Hitler's Children".

February 17, 1943

Started work on the 81 mm. & 60 mm. mortars today. Saw the picture "How's about it". Sent Betty's birthday present. Hope she likes it.

February 18, 1943

Fired the mortars today. Missed chow tonight as I was in the barber shop getting my hair cut. Read some Sunday School papers tonight.

February 19, 1943

Took the mortar G.T. today. Spent most of the evening writing to Betty.

February 20, 1943

Today was Betty's birthday. She's 20 today. Suely hope she had a happy birthday. Got Bud's & Macky's wedding picture. It's very good.

**February 21, 1943**

Attended the services in the post chapel today. Went to the airport this P.M. Wrote a letter to Betty tonight. Hope I hear from her soon.

February 22, 1943

Started studying the 37 mm. anti tank gun. It surely is simple. Nothing much happened today. Got a letter from Bud & Macky.

February 23, 1943

Fired expert with the 37 mm. anti tank gun. Started a letter to Betty & wrote one to Bud & Macky.

February 24, 1943

Took the G.T. on the 37 mm. anti tank gun. Got a letter from Betty. Oh happy day! Finished the letter to her that I started last night.

February 25, 1943

Studied company administration today. Nothing of much importance happened.

February 26, 1943

Took a G.T. on combat field orders today[.] It was really simple.

February 27, 1943

Got a letter from Betty today. She really enjoyed the flowers, at least so she said. I'm glad she was happy.

**February 28, 1943**

Attended the services at the chapel today. Wrote to Betty, the folks, Macky & Bud & some others. Really did some letter writing.

March 1, 1943

Had a bad rainy day today & we stayed out all day too. Got a letter from Betty today.

March 2, 1943

Made out an application for the parachute school. I hope I make it O.K. Another bad rainy day.

March 3, 1943

Had a heck of a cold day out in the field all day today. Hope it's warmer tomorrow.

March 4, 1943

Went through what the school called "Jungle Jim" today. It was hard but not too difficult.

March 5, 1943

Took the G.T. over the combat training of a rifle platoon & a weapons platoon. It wasn't so very bad.

March 6, 1943

Went to town tonight & bought a new portable radio. I like it fine. A bunch of Waacs [WACS?] came to the post today.

**March 7, 1943**

Atended the services in the chapel today. Really enjoyed the S.M.C.L. meeting. Wrote to Betty & Jin & Arnold.

March 8, 1943

Started combat training in the heavy weapons company. Got a letter from mother & one from Albert Rathbone.

March 9, 1943

Got a letter from Bud & macky & a Wesleyanite [a paper or newsletter published by the Wesley Foundation] with some notes from the Wesley Foundation. I give Betty the credit for it. I surely like it.

March 10, 1943

Studied combat training of the anti tank platoon. Wrote a letter to Bud & Maxine.

March 11, 1943

Got a letter from Betty & wrote one to her. Gee, she is swell. Studied combat training of the heavy machine gun platoon in the attack.

March 12, 1943

Studied the heavy weapons & anti tank platoons in the attack. I carried a mortar tube for a couple of miles. It got kind of heavy.

March 13, 1943

It rained this afternoon & two hours of physical training were cancelled. Wrote a letter to Betty. We had to go to see a propaganda picture this P.M.

**March 14, 1943**

Attended the services in the chapel this morning. It was a swell day & I enjoyed myself a lot. Wrote to Betty, Virginia & Stan & Glen.

March 15, 1943

Got a leter from Al (Ratliff). Got out as a road guard on the way back into camp tonight & almost got left. Wrote to Betty & the folks.

March 16, 1943

Took the 4 hour G T over combat training of heavy weapons & anti tank platoons. Got a letter from the folks & Macky. Wrote to Betty & Macky.

March 17, 1943

It rained this morning & part of the afternoon & boy did we ever get wet. Wrote a letter to the folks. Hope I hear from Betty tomorrow.


The background music on this page is the theme from the television program Hogan's Heroes, which was set during World War II.

Here is a link to FortuneCity.

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