Diary of George I. Burrow

Part 4

March 18, 1943

Studied the reserve rifle co. in the attack & also a night attack. Got a letter from Jin. Wrote a letter to Betty. Hope I hear from her soon.

March 19, 1943

Had a night attack this morning. Took a G T over the Rifle company in attack. Had camoflague demonstration. Had umpiring this afternoon.

March 20, 1943

Studied the rifle company in the attack today. I[t] has really been doing a lot of raining lately. Water everywhere.

**March 21, 1943**

Went to a lenten service in the chaplain's office this morning. I enjoyed the service. Got a nice letter from grandma today.

March 22, 1943

Started studying the rifle batallion in the defense. Gee this training is really good.

March 23, 1943

Studied the rifle Bn. in the defense. Got a letter from mother.

March 24, 1943

Took the G T over the rifle bn. in the defense. Got a letter from Betty & wrote one to her.

March 25, 1943

Studied company administration[,] the batallion med. section & logistics today. Start the 26 hour problem tomorrow.

March 26, 1943

Got a leter from Gin today. Took the General Tactics G T. Started out on the famous 26 hour problem.

March 27, 1943

Finished the 26 hour problem. Got mixed up & took a M.G. [machine gun] platoon about a mile out of the way. Gee, am I tired tonight.

**March 28, 1943**

Got a letter from Betty today. Also a Wesleyanite & a sermon of Dr. Dunnington's [Dr. Dunnington married George & Betty on Feb. 10, 1946.] Attended the worship service in the Chaplain's office.

March 29, 1943

Took the logistics G T today. I believe I did fairly well with it. Got a letter from Jin.

March 30, 1943

Took the final G T., the one on general subjects. It wasn't too bad. Got a letter from Mom & Bill & one from Bud & Macky.

March 31, 1943

One more week to go, & then a commission & home & Betty (I hope). They aren't working us very hard now.

April 1, 1943

We practiced on a physical training demonstration that we are to give tomorrow to some officers. Got a letter from Gin.

April 2, 1943

Had most of the day off. Got a letter from Grandma. Pressed two shirts & a pair of pants tonight. Turned in foot lockers.

April 3, 1943

Had a big problem today. It was on rifle company in a jungle attack. I was rifle platoon leader. I did fair.

**April 4, 1943

Chaplain & Mrs. Helfer asked me to their home for the evening. We had a little lunch & then sat around & talked. Had a fine time.

April 5, 1943

The last day of O.[fficer] C.[andidate] work. I have really enjoyed the course. Got a letter from Mother.

April 6, 1943

We turned in most of our equipment & just fooled away the entire day.

April 7, 1943

We turned in our equipment today. Had a stag dinner tonight. Really had a swell time. I'm assigned to I R T C at Camp Roberts Cal.[ifornia]

April 8, 1943

Got this mixed up somewhee. I graduated yesterday & now on my way home to see Betty & everybody else.

April 9, 1943

Arrived in Iowa City today. Betty & I went to a show this evening. We had a swell time.

April 10, 1943

Got home at midnight tonight. Met (Lilli) & Dona Rathbone in Waterloo & they brought me home.

**April 11, 1943**

Went to church this morning. Led the league meeting this afternoon. I believe they enjoyed it.

April 12, 1943

Looked around a little for a car today. Found a few that I can buy, but I want to look around in Sumner.

April 13, 1943

Bought a car this afternoon. It is a 1939 Chev. coach. It has a lot of miles, but it still runs swell.

April 14, 1943

Went to Sumner and borrowed a little money to pay for my car.

April 15, 1943

Got a "C" gasoline ration book today so I guess I'll get to California O.K. Bought a radio for my car.

April 16, 1943

Left home & attended a gay nineties party in Iowa City. I was so tired I didn't enjoy it a lot though.

April 17, 1943

Betty's brother Harvey had an apendectomy & was in the hospital in Cedar Rapids. We went up & saw him & then saw the picture Random Harvest.

**April 18, 1943**

Heard Dr. Dunnington preach this morning. Went to Cedar Rapids this P.M. & got Betty. She drove part way back. Started west at 7:30 this evening.

April 19, 1943

Stopped in Indianola, Iowa today to see Stan & Glenaden Martin. Really had a grand time. Started out again at 4:30 P.M.

April 20, 1943

Arrived in Scottsbluff, Neb. a little after noon. Bud took me out to the base & showed me through a B-17.

April 21, 1943

Bud, Macky, & I went up to Scottsbluff National Monument. One can really see a long distance from there. I enjoyed it a lot.

April 22, 1943

Just visited with Bud & Macky today. Went to a show in (Gering) tonight. It wasn't so bad, though it had no moral to it.

April 23, 1943

Left Scottsbluff at about 11:00 A.M. Arrived in Glenwood Springs at about 11:00 P.M. Got a room with a Mrs. Lake.

April 24, 1943

Had a fine time with Doris & her family. Doris, the boys & I drove out to see a canyon cut by Colorado river this P.M. I left at about 3:00 P.M.

**April 25, 1943**

Had some trouble with my generator last night in Price, Utah. Got it fixed up & travelled all night. Went through desert all day. Ran out of gas in the desert.

April 26, 1943

Got to camp today. I check in at 6:45 P.M. Slept in my car in Paso Robles. I enjoyed the mountaines in Eastern Calif. & the valleys also.

April 27, 1943

Reported for duty today. I was assigned to Co. "D" of the 82nd Inf. Tng. Ba. I'm completely in the dark about what is going on.

April 28, 1943

Reported to the Co. C.[ommanding] O.[fficer] this morning. I just bummed around the rest of the day. Went to church to night & wrote a letter to Betty.

April 29, 1943

Did a little work today. Lectured on the B.A.R. this P.M. I sort of enjoyed it. Was assigned as duty officer tonight.

April 30, 1943

They had a party at the officer's club tonight, but I refused to go as they have mostly drinking parties their [sic].

May 1, 1943

I was transferred to the (Lt. or Inf.) officer pool school this afternoon. Went to Paso Robles tonight. Went to a show with Lt. & Mrs. D.E. Walters.

**May 2, 1943**

Went to the Baptist church with Lt. & Mrs. Walters & their cousins. Had a nice visit at their home this evening before returning to camp.

May 3, 1943

Started classes today. I'm not much stuck on the school. It is in a rather God forsaken spot & the buildings aren't very good.

May 4, 1943

Got my travel pay tonight. Got letters from the folks, Betty, Bud & Macky & Lawrence Johnson. Most of them were written before I graduated.

May 5, 1943

Got my first month's pay. I plan to apply it on my car, & get it paid for right away. Had two hours of night classes.

May 6, 1943

This work surely doesn't amount to much. We don't hurt ourselves working. We had two hours of map reading tonight.

May 7, 1943

Each one of us had to lecture for an hour today. I lectured on the bayonet. The most of us didn't hurt ourselves working.

May 8, 1943

Took Lt. & Mrs. Walters to Watsonville to visit their cousin. We got there about 5:00 P.M. Had a swell trip.

**May 9, 1943**

Mother's Day. I went to church in the Baptist Church in Watsonville, Cal. & wore a red rose. Saw a lot of pretty country & some big redwood trees.

May 10, 1943

I'm in seventh heaven tonight. I finally got a letter from Betty & boy was it ever welcome. Studied mess management almost all day today.

May 11, 1943

Got my pictures that I took on my way to California. Some are good & some aren't. Sent some to Betty. Heard from the folks & Bud & Macky.

May 12, 1943

Didn't do much today. The water was turned off this forenoon & we were without water until a truck got here at 9:30 tonight.

May 13, 1943

We studied the method of indirect laying with the machine gun in our class this evening. The rest was pretty much the same.

May 14, 1943

Just the same old stuff today. I'm not very much stuck on this school. They don't have any discipline at all.

May 15, 1943

Edward & Thelma Walters & I went to Watsonville this afternoon & picked up Clifton & Jerry Walters & went on to Yosemite Park.

**May 16, 1943**

Spent the day in Yosemite Park looking at God's handiwork. It is certainly wonderful. Didn't get back until 1:00 A.M. but had a fine time.

May 17, 1943

Gee, did they ever tromp down with the discipline today. It is tough, but I like it better. Got a letter from Betty & wrote one to her.

May 18, 1943

Got a letter from Betty's mother tonight much to my surprise. Gee, she's nice. Wrote to Jin. Got some birthday packages from the folks, Jin & Macky (& husbands).

May 19, 1943

We did some marching on azimuths tonight. Firs we laid out a course & then we marched somebody else's course. Wasn't so bad.

May 20, 1943

Did some scouting & patrolling tonight. If it had been the real thing I'm afraid we wouldn't be so well now. Too many exposed.

May 21, 1943

Big day of work. Went on the (J) range & crawled under machine gun fire this A.M. Climbed a mountain to observe a patrol this afternoon.

May 22, 1943

Hear a Lt. from Guadalcanal speak on jungle fighting. Went to Los Angeles for the weekend. Hope to see Uncle Bill's cousins.

**May 23, 1943**

Saw Uncle Bill's cousins this afternoon & like them very much. One is a poet & she gave me one of the poems. Got back at 3:00 A.M.

May 24, 1943

Worked on small unit problems all day today. Went over to the main post for some shirts but the P.X. was closed for inventory.

May 25, 1943

Worked on outposts today & tonight we worked out a problem in outposts. I was on one of the outposts.

May 26, 1943

Tonight we went on a six mile hike & climaxed it by pitching tents, but a lot of the men hadn't brout [sic] tent poles & pegs.

May 27, 1943

Worked out a plan for (raiding) the school area & went through it tonight but it wasn't very successful.

May 28, 1943

Got a big box of cookies from Betty yesterday. Took our final exams this afternoon & started packing tonight.

May 29, 1943

Left the I R T C school today & am attached to Co. "A", 88th Inf. Tng. Bn. It is a heavy weapons unit & I'm glad to be in it.

**May 30, 1943**

Went on a picnic this afternoon with Edward & Thelma Walters. I really had a swell time. They are a fine couple.

May 31, 1943

Started working with my company. This was their first day of training so we were teaching the basic things like close order drill.

June 1, 1943

Got a copy of Dr. Dunnington's book, Handles of Power, from Betty. I'm company O.[fficer of the] D.[ay] tonight so I've got to stick around here.

June 2, 1943

Went to work this morning without any insignia on my shirt & had to dash back after it. Was (changed/charged) to 1st platoon this afternoon.

June 3, 1943

Spent the afternoon helping to give the trainees a drivers aptitude test. I gave them a time reaction test.

June 4, 1943

Didn't do much all day. I was given the job of weekend duty officer for the weekend. I get all the luck I guess.

June 5, 1943

Had to take a group of men out to make up some of their instruction this afternoon. Met some Iowa fellows in Co. B, 88 bn.

**June 6, 1943**

Had to show a training film to the men tonight. Asked Betty a big question. Hope the answer is what I want it to be.

June 7, 1943

The company went out on the preliminary rifle instruction range today. We ate chow in the field this noon. Boy am I tired.

June 8, 1943

Went to Paso Robles tonight & got the pictures that I took at Yosemite Park. Saw Edward & Thelma Walters & had a good time.

June 9, 1943

Finished the work in preliminary rifle marksmanship today. We go out on the range tomorrow. Company "A" (went/gave) in the pits.

June 10, 1943

Spent the entire in the pits on the rifle range. The men really did a fine job of pulling the targets. Didn't get in until 7:00 p.m.

June 11, 1943

Another day spent in the pits on the rifle range. Had to go out at 6:00 A.M. It makes a long day, but it's only four days.

June 12, 1943

The company went on the rifle range to fire the M-1 rifle & carbine today. I fired the carbine & really like it quite well.

**June 13, 1943**

Got a box of home-made candy from Betty yesterday & a crazy "puzzle letter" today. Wrote to her & Bud & Macky tonight.

June 14, 1943

The company finished firing the carbine on the range today. I started out O.K., but had to use a strange gun to finish & didn't qualify.

June 15, 1943

The company worked on hand grenades all forenoon. This afternoon we worked on the bayonet. A hot day for it too. I am duty officer tonight.

June 16, 1943

Got some laundry that I sent before I left Co. "M", 313th the first of the year. Gave some lectures on the compass & terrain features.

June 17, 1943

Nothing of importance happened today. Boy has it been hot lately. Saw a demonstration on various types of patrols this afternoon.

June 18, 1943

Gave the introductory lecture to the trainees on the heavy machine gun. Got along quite well. Went to town tonight & brought Thelma out to see Edward.

June 19, 1943

Our company is the alert company for a week so we are restricted to the regimental area for the coming week.

**June 20, 1943**

Had a swell time at the chapel this evening. Went to the meeting of the service men's Christian League & had a very good discussion.

June 21, 1943

Stood my first retreat parade as an officer. Was about scared to death, but got along quite well & learned what to do.

June 22, 1943

Started training with the 81 mm. mortar today. Had some training films on map reading tonight. Got a letter from Betty.

June 23, 1943

The company had a night march tonight, but for some unknown reason the captain chose me to be the officer to stay in the company area.

June 24, 1943

Did some instructing on the 81 mm. mortar today. Wrote a letter to Betty tonight. I hope she won't become angry with it all.

June 25, 1943

Got my orders tonight to go to Fort Sam Houston, Texas to join the 84th Infantry div. I hope I like it.

June 26, 1943

Got my Chevie fixed up this morning & got all cleared around Camp Roberts this afternoon. Wrote to Betty, the folks & Bud & Macky.

**June 27, 1943**

Tried to check out tonight, but they told us that we are to report to Camp Houze, Texas instead of Fort Sam Houston.

June 28, 1943

Got our orders to go to Camp Houze. Lt. & Mrs. Charles Schmidt are going with me. We drove to Las Vegas, Nevada today.

June 29, 1943

Saw boulder dam today. Couldn't see much as it is under heavy guard. Drove to Gallup New Mexico.

June 30, 1943

Drove to El Paso, Texas where we expected to find Charles brother, but he had been transferred to California.

July 1, 1943

Went through some of the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. They are wonderful. Drove to Big Spring, Texas.

July 2, 1943

Broke a brake line on the car in Fort Worth. Met Edward & Thelma Walter's relatives. They are very nice people.

July 3, 1943

Drove to Gainesville today. Found some rooms for the weekend. I'm in the home of the Methodist minister. They're swell people.

**July 4, 1943**

Went to church in Fort Worth. Spent the afternoon with Theda Roberts, Thelma Walters' sister. We saw some of the scenery around town.

July 5, 1943

Reported for duty today. I am assigned to Co. "M", 333rd Infantry. Boy is this a terrible camp, tar paper barracks & all.

July 6, 1943

The company went out on a problem yesterday & didn't get back until late today so I'm just sort of bumming around today.

July 7, 1943

Started work with the company today. Didn't do very much though. They seem to have pretty poor discipline.

July 8, 1943

Went out on the carbine range today to have some men fire who had missed it before. They did fairly well.

July 9, 1943

The third batallion went out to the field this afternoon for a batallion in the attack test. Bivouac in the field.

July 10, 1943

The problem continued today. I learned what a jeep can actually do. Boy they can really take it too.

**July 11, 1943**

I'm duty officer this week. Took a pretty tough map test this morning. Went to vesper services in the chapel this evening.

July 12, 1943

I'm on special duty all this week as an umpire of an enemy detail on the problem our batallion ran last week.

July 13, 1943

I am in charge of the enemy detail on a problem. I get quite a kick out of it. This batallion didn't do so hot.

July 14, 1943

Had yesterday P.M. off so I went to (Perrin) field & bummed a ride in a trainer plane. It sure was a lot of fun.

July 15, 1943

The batallion that ran the problem today didn't do so very well either. They exposed themselves a lot.

July 16, 1943

Put in an application for a leave to start Monday. I hope I get it. Started the final batallion on the problem today.

July 17, 1943

The batallion did very well today. Learned tonight that I can't get my leave. Darn the luck, but I guess I'll have to like it.

**July 18, 1943**

Went to Fort Worth today & had a swell time with Theda Roberts & couple of her friends. Got back at 2:00 A.M. Shame on me.

July 19, 1943

Went to town tonight & tried to call Betty, but gave it up at 10:30. Wrote a long letter to the folks. Macky's birthday!

July 20, 1943

Went to town tonight & called Betty. Boy it was swell to talk to her again. Wrote a letter to Macky after I got back.

July 21, 1943

The company moved out this morning on a problem that lasts till tomorrow afternoon. Co. K got lost the first thing.

July 22, 1943

Finished the problem. I don't think they did so hot, but the big shots said it was an excellent job.

July 23, 1943

Went out on a pursuit problem today. My platoon never saw any action at all. We just hiked & hiked.

July 24, 1943

Had inspection this morning. I went to Dallas & Fort Worth this afternoon & then saw a show in a drive in theater.

**July 25, 1943**

Went to church in Fort Worth this morning. Spent the day with Rev. Walters' family. Saw the picture "My Friend Flicka".


The background music on this page is George Burrow's favorite hymn, "In the Garden".

Here is a link to FortuneCity.

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