December 31, 1995

The Place: San Diego Sports Arena
The Time: 7:00 pm
The Plan: 19 bands, lots of buds to groove the night away with...and welcome 1996.
Reviewed by: Starr

After sitting through 18 bands, which included, but is not limited to: Liz Phair, Buck-O-Nine, Sprung Monkey (who for some reason struck a chord, let it play and were boo-ed off the stage), and a lot of others that completely slipped my mind, No Doubt finally came on stage.. it was a long night and I was waay up in the bleachers, my buds all passing out, and there's me, trying to catch their attention and show them the girl on stage... the girl I had been talking about for weeks... little did I even know that they would be there that night. Even being so far away, it was a great experience.

