This site contains magazine articles, clippings, concert reviews, images,
info and more concerning No Doubt, I will do my best to keep it in cronological order.

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"2000 is going to be all about No Doubt..."

In late 1995, No Doubt exploded onto the scene. After 10 years of hard work, and small venues around Southern California, Gwen Stefani, Tony Kanal, Adrian Young & Tom Dumont of No Doubt, caught the attention of practically every teenage girl in Southern California, and soon, they were pulling in girls and guys, nation wide.

A major part of No Doubt's success is due to it's front woman, Gwen Stefani, not to mention the kick-ass tunes that flow from behind her completely noticable voice. Gwen burst onto the scene with a style that would soon be dubbed the Riot Girl... hundreds of girls began to copy her image, and in the foot steps of Madonna, Gwen became a fashion icon. Re-inventing herself and keeping ahead of the game.

No Doubts success continues to climb, a new song, Ex-Girlfriend, is already getting airplay, and a new album is due out soon. you can visit for updates concerning the release.

Gwen Renee Stefani was born October 3, 1969.
Gwens first french his was with a guy named Brad, going into 9th grade.
Gwen played the piccalo in high school, Soccer and Water Ballet.
Gwens parents are Catholic. Gwen is a daddy's girl.
Gwen began singing in No Doubt when she was 16, 1985. (Although, it has also been said the band started in 1987.)
The first Madness song Gwen heard was Baggy Trousers, a single that Eric, her brother, brought home on day.
The Summer of 1987, No Doubt played Fender's in Long Beach, Gino's, Roxy and Whiskey in Hollywood.
November 26, 1988 - No Doubt Opens for the Red Hot Chili Peppers at Cal State, Long Beach. A very big venue for the band.
The Red Vinyl Dress that Gwen bought at Contempo Casuals and wore for the cover of Tragic Kingdom, is located at the Newport Beach Hard Rock Cafe.
Gwen & Tony dated for 7 years.
Most of the songs on Tragic Kingdom are based on Gwen & Tony's relationship. They were "candy coated" though, and made poppy & catchy.
Gwen has been on a private tour of the White House (with the the band).
Gwen's parents, Dennis & Patti, were in a folk band called the Innertubes. Her mother played the autoharp, and her father, the guitar.

Buy this Stuff:

The Story of No Doubt

Sweet Oranges: The Biography of Citrus Sinensis
The Oranges on this page are thanx to
No Doubt.
The Rotten Orange is a
No Doubt Logo, featured on the Tragic Kingdom album.

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