The Adventurers©


Justinis' Statistics


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Bounty Hunter (Fighter/Thief)
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Age: 200
Height: 5' 10 "
Skin: Tan Bronze
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Weight: 135 lbs
Level: 1/1
Exp: 0
Hit Points: 9
Armor type: none AC: 6

Strength: 17 Weight Allowance: 85 Hit Probability: +1 Damage Adjustment +1
  Max press: 220 Open doors: 10 Bend bars/lift gates 13 %

Dexterity: 19 Missile Adjustment:+3 Reaction Adjustment:+3 Defense Adjustment: -4

Constitution: 17 System Shock: 97 % Poison Save: 0%
  Hit Point Adjustment: +2 Resurrection Survival: 98%

Intelligence: 14 Spell Level: 7th Max # Spells: 9  Spell Immunity: -
  Bonus Proficiencies: 4 Chance to Learn Spell: 60%

Wisdom: 9 Bonus Spells: 0 Spell failure: 60%
  Magic def Adjustment: 0 Spell Immunity: -

Charisma:16 Loyalty base: +4 Reaction Adjustment: +5

~Savings Throws~
para/pois/deth magic: 13
rod/staff/wand: 14
petrif/polymorph: 12
breath: 16
spell: 15


  Cps: 4
  Sps: 3
  Gps: 0
  Pps: 20

~Gems and Jewelry~

~Non-weapon Proficiencies~ 
  Two weapon style
  Read Write
  Speak Common
  Speak Gold Elfish
  First Aid

~Weapon Specialization~
  Longsword #attacks 2 thac0 18 damage 1d8 S-M/1d10 L dam adj.+2


~Items Carried or Worn~
  Flint & Steel
  Boots soft
  Boots riding
  Small Tent
  Riding horse
  Beltpouch sm.
  Belt Pouch Lrg
  Quill & Ink
  100 Ft Hemp Rope
  Grappling hook

~Magic Items Carried or Worn~


~Special Abilities~
  Infravision 90'
  Find secret door 1-6 not looking 3-6 looking


Pick Pockets: N/A
Open Locks: 20
Find/Rem Traps: 10
Move Silently: 25
Hide in Shadows: 25
Detect Noise: 15
Climb Walls:35
Read Languages: N/A
Detect magic: N/A
Detect Illusion: N/A
Tunneling: N/A
Escape Bonds: N/A


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