The Adventurers©


 Calan Streamsaw

Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Barbarian
Race: human
Sex: male
Age: 20
Height: 6' 6"
Skin: white (tanned from travels)
Eyes: blue
Hair: brown
Weight: 285lbs
Level: 5
Exp: 16,000 (32,000)
Hit Points: 58
Armor type: mammoth hide armor+2 (enchanted by tribe shaman), helmet
AC: 1

Strength: 18(86) Weight Allowance: 185 Hit Probability: +4
  Damage Adjustment:+6 Maximum Pressure: 330
  Open Doors: 14 Bend Bars/Lift Gates 30%

Dexterity:16 Missile Adjustment:+1 Reaction Adjustment:+1
  Defense Adjustment:-2

Constitution:18 System Shock: 99% Poison Save: 0
  Hit Point Adjustment: +4 Resurrection Survival:100%

Intelligence:13 Spell Level: 6th Maximum # Spells: 9
  Spell Immunity: 0 Bonus Proficiencies: 3 Learn Spell:55%

Wisdom:13 Bonus Spells: 1st Spell Failure:0%
  Magic Defensive Adjustment: 0 Spell Immunity: 0

Charisma:17 Loyalty base: +6 Reaction Adjustment: +6

~Savings Throws~
RSW: 13

Cps: 176
Gps: 1,765
Pps: 37

~Gems and Jewelry~
Bears only the sign of his people and the sign of the tribe of the bear around his neck. They are worth nothing to anyone but himself and his people.

~Weapon Proficiencies~
 Battle Axe
Throwing axe

~Non-weapon Proficiencies~
Blind fighting

~Weapon~        Attacks    Damage    Thac0    Damage Adjustment
Battle-Axe +2     2/1     1d8~1d10    9            +6
Throwing axex2 2/1      1d6~1d6     9            +6

~Items Carried or Worn~
Tinder Box
5 Iron Rations
2 water flasks
2 belt pouches
1 wine flask
50 ft of hemp rope
2 common cloths
1 torch
1 LB of soap
1 winter blanket

~Special Items, Carried or Worn
Battle Axe +2
Mammoth Hide Armor +2

    Calan is an extremely trusting type...almost naive though he has made enemies on his many journeys from Icewindale.
    He also has a Code of Honor derived from his people's noble beliefs. 1) Never attack an unarmed foe with weapons (human) 2)help those in need at all costs 3) speak only the truth 4) Always accept a fair fight when challenged 5) Uphold the honor of your people.


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