The Adventurers©


Elwin Vendange©


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Classes: Fighter/Mage
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Male
Height: 5’4"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Age: 140
Levels: 2/2
XP:3,000/3,0000 (4,000/5,000)
Full armor, Elven Chain +5
Ac: 1
Hit Points: 17
THAC0: 19


Strength: 18~63 Stamina: 18 Weight Allowance: 110 lbs.
  Muscle: 18~98 Attack Adj..: +2 Damage Adj.: +5
  Open Doors: 15(3) Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 35%
  Max. Press: 380 lbs.

Dexterity: 19 Aim: 20 Missile Adjustment: +3
  Pick Pockets: +20% Open Locks: +20%
  Balance: 18 Reaction Adjustment: +2 Armor Class: -4
  Move Silently: +10% Climb Walls: +10%

Constitution: 15 Health: 13 System Shock: 85%
  Poison Save: 0 Fitness: 17 HP Adj.: +3
  Resurrection Chance: 98%

Intelligence: 17 Reason: 15 Max. Spell Level: 7th
  Max. Spells Per Level: 11 Illusion Immunity: None
  Knowledge: 19 Bonus Proficiencies: 8
  Chance to Learn Spell: 95%

Wisdom: 16 Intuition: 15 Bonus Spell: 2nd Spell Failure 0%
  Willpower: 17 Magic Defense Adjustment: +3
  Spell Immunity: None

Charisma: 14 Leadership: 14 Loyalty Base: +1
  Max # of Henchmen: 6 Appearance: 14
  Initial Reaction Adjustment: +2

~Saving Throws~
  PP/ DM: 14
  P/P: 13
  RSW: 11
  Breath: 15
  Spell: 12

~Weapon Proficiencies~
  Scimitar (Specialize)

~Non-Weapon Proficiencies~
  Blind Fighting
  Riding (Land Based Animals)

Common, Dwarf, Elf, Centaur, Pixie, Treant, Brownie

~Racial Abilities~
 ~Bow bonus - +1 bonus to attack rolls with long or short bows.
 ~Infravision - 60' Infravision range.
 ~Resistance 90% - 90 percent resistant to sleep and charm-related spells.
 ~Secret doors - Because of their acute senses, elves are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entranceways. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door allows an elf a one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1d6) to notice it. If actively searching, an elf's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and a three-in-six chance (1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to notice a concealed door.
 ~Sword bonus - +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a long or short sword.

~Class Abilities~
 ~Schools of Magic - Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment/Charm, Greater Divination, Illusion/Phantasm, Invocation/Evocation, Necromancy

~Items Carried or Worn~
  Elven Composite Bow long
  Scimitar ( specialize)
  Travelers Pack 50 lbs.

  Cp.: 138
  Sp.: 216
  Gp.: 853
  Pp.: 16

~Weapons~     Attacks     Damage    Thac0     Damage Adj.
  Scimitar         3/2         1d8~1d8       14              +3+5
  Flight Arrows 2/1         1d6~1d6       13


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