The Adventurers©


Mordred's Spellbook

Mordred's Statistics

20th Level Mage

Str: 12 Weight Allowance: 45 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4%
  Attack Adj.: +0 Damage Adj.: +0 Max. Press: 140 lbs Open Doors: 7

Dex: 16 Missile Adjustment: +1 Pick Pockets: +0% Open Locks: +5%
  Reaction Adjustment: +1 Armor Class: -2 Move Silently: +0% Climb Walls: +0%

Con: 12 System Shock: 80% Poison Save: +0 Hit Point Adjustment: +0
  Resurrection Chance: 85%

Int: 18 Max. Spell Level: 8th Max. Spells Per Level: 14 Illusion Immunity: None
  Bonus Proficiencies: 6 Chance to Learn New Spell: 75%

Wis: 8 Bonus Clerical Spells: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 25%
  Magic Defense Adjustment: +0 Spell Immunity: None

Cha: 10 Loyalty Base: +0 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 4
  Initial Reaction Adjustment: +0

HP: 46/46

~Saving Throws~
Paralyzation: 14 Poison: 14 Death Magic: 14 Petrification: 13 Polymorph: 13
Rod: 11 Staff: 11 Wand: 11 Breath Weapon: 15 Spell: 12


AC: 1 (magically enhanced)
Thac0: 14 (13 w/bow)

~Weapon Proficiencies~
Quarterstaff, dagger, Bow (specialization)


~Non-weapon Proficiencies~
Airborne Riding
Ancient Language
Artistic Ability
Fire Building
Ancient History
Rope Use
Animal Handling
Modern Language

Wand of Animal Location
Wand of Freshness (purifies food and drink)
Staff of Lightning
Bracelet of Protection +2
Ring of Protection +3
Ring of Bladeturning (limited charges)
Ring of Blinking
Ring of Infravision Negation
Dagger +1


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