The Adventurers©



Erin's Bonded War Horse

   Erin's next major endeavor came when he chased down the evil necromancer "Dagarda". This chase led Erin across half the known world, from cramped quarters to the frigid and desolate waste lands, at the top of the world.

    While chasing after Dagarda, Erin began having dreams, dreams of a powerful, snow manned stallion. A stallion who could run like the wind from sun up to sun down, a horse whose will was above all other equines. In his dreams Erin chases after the beast, but never able to capture the prize. On the seventh night of these dreams, Erin was finally able to capture the spirited destrier, by offering him salt and friendship instead of a bit and saddle. In his dream they rode the surreal vistas as one. He had never known such happiness and could not believe that such an animal could exist outside his dreams.

    Imagine his surprise in the morning as he awoke, he was greeted by the sight of "Strider", as he later named the horse, browsing at his campsite. From that day forth, the two have been inseparable, stallion and Knight, working as one. The horse, a gift to Erin for years of faithful service, would prove instrumental in the capture of Dagarda. Having finally cornered the necromancer, Erin offered him a choice, surrender and be judged by the people that he had wronged, or death there and then at his hands. Dagarda chose to attack and appeared to have the upper hand, when "Strider" reared, and with his mighty hooves, struck Dagarda unconscious, allowing Erin to tie and gag the fallen necromancer and bring him back, where he could be judged and sentenced for his crimes.
    After returning to his village of birth, Erin enlisted the facilities of the smith to make the armor that Strider now carries. Using the same metal and technique to inter-lace the metal, Erin finished the Mesh Mail armor for Strider, finding that the horse suffered little encumbrance by the armor.


"Strider" Bonded War Horse

   Armor: Mesh Mail Armor
    Base AC: 7    AC 2
    Base Movement: 15    Armored: 12
    HPs: 41
    Thac0: 14
    Size: Large
    Moral: Elite ( 14-15 )

   Attacks        Kick/Bite      Special/att      Special/def       Magical res

   3/1               1d8/1d8             nil                    nil                      nil

~Save Throws~
   R/S/W: 12
   P/P: 11
   Breath: 12
   Spell: 13


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