The Adventurers©


Sunwolf's Statistics

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Elf
Class: Crypt Ranger Kit
Gender: Male
Age: 116
Height: 5’7"
Weight: 165
Skin: Tan
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Grey
Level: 5th
Exps.: 18,000
Armor: Leather
AC: 4
Thac0: 16
Hit Points: 65


Strength: 18-93 Stamina: 18-55 Weight Allowance: 160 Muscle: 19 
  Attack Adj.: +3 Damage Adj.: +7 Maximum Pressure: 640 Open Doors: 16
  Bend Bars/ Lift Gates: 50%

Dexterity: 17 Aim: 15 Missile Adj.: 0 Pick Pockets: 0% Open Locks: 0% 
  Balance: 19 Reaction Adj.: +3
Defensive Adj.: -4 Move Silently: +75% 
  Hide in Shadows: +56% Climb Walls: +15%

Constitution:15 Health: 13 System Shock:85% Poison Save: 0 
  Fitness: 17 Hit Point Adj.: +3 Resurrection Survival: 98%

Intelligence: 15 Reason: 13 Spell Level: 6th Illusion Immunity: - 
  Knowledge: 17 Bonus Proficiencies: 6 Learn Spells: 75%

Wisdom: 16 Intuition: 14 Bonus Spells: 1 Spell Failure: 0% 
  Willpower: 18
Magical Defensive Adj.: +4 Spell Immunity: -

Charisma: 12 Leadership: 10 Loyalty Base: 0 Maximum Henchmen: 4 
  Appearance: 14 Reaction Adj.: +2

~Saving Throws~
  PP/DM: 10
  RSW: 12
  P/P: 11
  Breath: 12
  Spell: 13

~Weapon Specialization~
  Scimitar (double)

~Weapon Proficiencies~

~Non-weapon Proficiencies~
  Ancient History
  Blind Fighting
  Infravision (60’).

  Cps: 32
  Sps: 61
  Gps: 18
  Pps: 23

~Special Items, Carried or Worn~
  Mace of Disruption
  Scimitar (2)
  Boot Dagger +1 (silver)
  Back Pack 40#

~Weapon~...………..Attacks...…Damage…Thac0…Damage Adj.
  Scimitar (2)               3/2         1d8~1d8        10       +7+3
  Dagger                     1/1         1d3~1d3         13      +7+1
  Mace of Disrup+1   1/1     1d6+1~1d6         13      +7+1(Special*)

~Primary Terrain~
  Anywhere with death

~Species Enemy~

~Special benefits~
Protection from evil
. This is a special form of the 1st-level wizard spell. It gives a Crypt Ranger’s undead opponents a -2 to any attack rolls, as well as providing a +1 to all of the ranger’s saving throws. This represents the uncommon good luck that Crypt Rangers enjoy, as well as their training for combat with the undead.

Immunity to fear and scare effects. Many undead radiate auras that cause the normal adventurer or commoner to flee in horror or fright. The Crypt Ranger is immune to this effect generated by creatures of the same level/hit dice or lower.

Detect Undead. Crypt Rangers have the ability to detect undead as the 1st-level wizard spell with a base 50’ radius. This increases at a rate of 5’ per level. One round of concentration is required to activate this ability. The ranger can determine direction and distance to the undead, but not the exact type of undead. The effect lasts for one round, and three attempts per day can be made.

*Mace of Disruption
  This appears to be a mace+1, but it has a neutral good alignment, and any evil character touching it receives 5d4 points of damage due to the powerful enchantments placed on the weapon. If a mace of disruption strikes any undead creature or and evil creature from one of the lower planes, it may utterly destroy the creature. Skeletons, zombies, ghouls, shadows, wights, and ghasts, if hit, are instantly blasted out of existence. Other creatures roll saving throws as follows.

~Creature Save~
  Wraith             5%
  Mummies       20%
  Spectre           35%
  Vampires       50%
  Ghosts            65%
  Liches             80%
  Other affected evil creatures 95%

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