Ascan, Bringer of Life
Ascan, the Ancient One of Life, was the very first of the three greater forces to gain followers in the mortal world, thse adepts grew in power and eventually became the legendary ascans. Ascan is the most benevolent Ancient One, he loves all living creatures that roam the face of the earth, even though many claim that he has taken a preference for humans. Many years after the destruction of the ascans, the lord of life came to the world again to teach his doctrine to the soon to be formed nation of Alis.
In Alis, he presented himself as "the celestial", and his teachings later became Alis' official religion, a religion that has extended to many other nations, and at this time, "The cult of the Celestial" has numerous followers all across the world. This one is not the only religion devoted to Ascan, but it is the most important one.
The priests of Ascan (or the Celestial, whichever you prefer) are great defenders of all that is good and lawful, and are especially dedicated to protecting the innocent or the opressed, they are healers and heroes, usually travelling from place to place, healing the sick and defending the weak.
There are two kinds of clerics in Ascan's priesthood, the healers and the defenders, which are described in detail below.
Priests of Healing
Important orders:
"The hand of the Celestial" in Alis, " The bringers of light" in ThyranaThe Healers of Ascan are perhaps the most loved and respected of all priests, the common folk often see them with awe and respect, and go to great extents to show their appreciation. Some people even think that the arrival of one of these healers is an omen of good fortune.
Their life is one of sacrifice, and they take great pride on it, they sleep wherever they can, eat and drink only the truly essential, and shun the accumulation of earthly possessions. Money has no real meaning for them, and only have they need to survive. For this same reason, they usually don't demand payment for their services, unless the person has money to pay them. Also, due to their devotion to the craft, many priests of healing deny themselves marriage and children; it is not forbidden for them to marry and have children, but most priests decide not to.
These priests are usually nomadic in nature, since they travel from place to place, seeking people who need their healing abilities. They can also be found in established churches, but these are usually old priests who no longer have the strength or resistance for travel.
In preparation for this life of hardships, these healers undergo a rigid instruction, learning all there is to be known about diseases and poisons, and learning numerous other things about several other subjects. They are also taught how to survive in the wild.
The Healers of Ascan are peaceful and quiet, and often refrain from entering combat, but if they must defend themselves, they are NEVER allowed to intentionally taking another sentient being's life, doing so may result in the priest losing his powers. If a priest of healing ever kills someone unintentionally, they will not lose their clerical powers, but are likely to regret that act for the rest of their lives.
Any goodMinimum Requirements:
Wisdom 10, Intelligence 10, Constitution 10Holy symbol:
In the case of the cult of the Celestial, their symbol is a small open hand made of metal; For the thyranian religion, the sun is associated with the bringer of life. For other cultures, appropiate symbols include snakes and staff.Required proficiencies:
Healing, survivalWeapons and Armor allowed:
Healers of Ascan cannot use any type of metallic armor, and cannot carry shields. As for weapons, their choice is quite limited, they may only use one of the following: staff (the traditional weapon), lasso, net, bolas, man catcher, and only when defending themselves or others, never for attack.Mayor access:
All, Healing, Law, Divination, Creation, Necromantic, Protection, Wards.Minor access:
Animal, Travelers, Weather, Charm, Guardian, Plant, Sun.Granted Powers:
Inmunity to all poisons and normal diseases , Lay on hands (as a paladin) twice a day, Soothing Word twice a day, Turn undead. Also, any healing spell cast by them heals an additional die (cure light wounds would heal 2d8). At level 3: identification of illnesses and poison (intelligence check). Upon reaching level 5, they are able to Slow poison once a day.
Priests of Good
Important orders:
"The Celestial's justice" in Alis, "The fair sword of Ascan" in Thyrana.The priests of Good represent the fighting branch of Ascan's clergy, unlike the healers, these priests are trained and ready to fight evil and injustice wherever they find it. Very much like paladins, these priests are dedicated to eradicate evil from the face of Raokrá.
Their life, while hard, does not require the sacrifices of their fellow priests of the healing orders, after all, a warrior needs to be well fed and equipped. They are allowed to earn and save money to buy weapons, armor, and generally to use it to aid and further their cause. And are even encouraged to marry and have as many children as the lord of life allows them to, as long as the family duties don't interfere with their greater mission.
These priests are not required to travel across the land seeking evil to destroy, but many of them do, associating with paladins if they find them. The rest stay within a specific area with known problems with evil creatures and rulers, foiling their schemes at every step.
While prepared for combat, these priests are not violent, they fight only when they have to, and are not against diplomacy or other peaceful solutions.
Any goodMinimum Requirements:
Wisdom 9, Strength 10Holy symbol:
In the case of the cult of the Celestial, their symbol is a silver sword; For the thyranian religion, the symbol is an amulet depicting two crossed swords in front of a sun. For other cultures, appropiate symbols include numerous other weapons, a lightray, cloud.Required proficiencies:
ReligionWeapons and Armor allowed:
These priests of Ascan are allowed to use all armors and shields. Their choice of weapons are: swords (all), bows (all), polearm (all), lance (all), spear, dagger, knife, lasso, hand axe, javelin.Mayor access:
All, Healing, Protection, Combat.Minor access:
Charm, Divination, Law.Granted Powers:
Detect Evil three times a day (as the spell), Turn Undead. A permanent +1 bonus to hit and damage when fighting evil creatures. Also, evil creatures recieve a -1 penalty to their saving throws against spells cast by these priests.