
Destroyers of the Faith is currently
playing Everquest on the Rallos Zek (PvP) Server. We came into existence about early October, 1999. That's all I can think off. We are a pretty boring guild, slaying a dragon, a few gods in our way off and on, can get quite tiresome :), but we sure have fun hanging out together. PvP is secondary to Destroyers of the Faith, but will not tolerate aggression towards our member. That's it.

Update - May 16, 2000
Wow it's been incredibly long time since I touch the main news, or page. Kunark is out, some awesome stuff are dropping for the melees, while casters basically got nothing much to look forward to. However, today was patch, and supposedly scrolls should be dropping. I suspect Old Sebilis will be heavily camped, but I also thing Chardok, Skyfire Mnts, City of Mist are among the zones also will drop scrolls. Just hope they are tradeable and not NO DROP.
Zhao is back, this time as a iskar Shadowknight name Ysssssslaath. Lame name, but that's just me haha. I updated the members page, lastest members were Vise and Sarphus, and Sarphus the soloing bard is breaking ahead of the our 2 clerics as the winner of the title:
"I Got Nothing Better to Do!".. Congrats on the levels, and hope one of you can kick Xein butt to the lvl 60 race. Highly doubtful, but give it a go. It's close to summertime all, and I know some of us will start getting back to real life, and reality of looking for jobs, getting your act together when school is out. That mean many will not be playing as much, or maybe it's the reverse and more people will play. So there will be time when we need to group with people not from DOF. That's not hard I hope, and lots of us already do for the most part.
About membership to DOF, right now with about active 20+ members playing daily, it's extremely hard to gather us all together to do everything all night/day. Lots of time things get started people have to log out once we in the middle of it. It happens, nothing can be done about this and more members don't necessarily mean it solve this. That's why majority if not all of us are in Sabbat. That's when we gather for a dragon, or tackle something we can't do in a 1-2 group session. As for adding members just cause people want to be in DOF, well time will tell if there's a need. It helps to actually play with and group with people, even if they never will be DOF, but we don't exclude them if you bring a friend and there's a spot. That's one of the topics of late in guild.

Update - January 20, 2000
���Let see. Today there's a major Patch Update. Everyone is waiting for Plane of Sky to be up, and sure enough it is. Paladins and Shadowknights got a much needed upgrade to HPs and Bash/Taunt skill, making one of our member, Zhao quite happy and cheerful. Oh forgot, Zhao didn't sell, guess Everquest got the best of him, and now he's an EQ addict. Welcome back bro :).. Nothing else, except we added new members, all awesome player on the RZ server, and you can see them in the Members Section.
���Also there has been some new PKs around that dare to attack DOF members. These are Slathar, Ziggun, Zyren and the old veterans like Eenart and Aanart (sp?) why the fuck can't I remember their name hehe... Well watch out for them, around portal area, mostly lavastorm and sol b. Use judgement and KOS within your ability. Nothing worst then not being prepared and die. What else to say. Yeah seems The Begotten is back, started again by Zelnik and seems they are at war with SR who got DC/EB/POF alliance with them. Hehe this look fun. Oh and Laudian is on a Twinky train, so if you want to come aboard, message him ingame and see if you can get a free twinkage out of it :). Shower him with gifts and maybe he will give you frequent flyer miles and extend the twinky train. Oh ok, I ran out of stuff to say. Till next time.
Oeran d'Unknown - DOF