The Tradtions...

1. Thou shalt not follow a Tremere.
- ever since their revolt, no Gargoyle has accepted work of any sort from a Tremere (including the Tremere antitribu)

2. Thou shalt be loyal to thine employer in so much as they are loyal to thee.
- Gargoyles acting as mercenaries will not switch side unless they discover that their employer has been treacherous.

3. Thou shalt not rule over others.
- No Gargoyle has ever been a Prince, nor do they have rulers within their own clan. The oldest is usually the leader but they may not rule.

4. Thou shalt not embrace the unworthy.
- the Gargoyles refuse to embrace the diseased, the insane, children, or the elderly. They are soldiers and tend to embrace only the most fit among mortals. They also tend to embrace persons with a group mentality and low individuality.

5. Thou shalt not practice withcraft.
- it is forbidden for a Gargoyle to practice Thaumaturgy in any form (including Dark Thaumaturgy)

The information on this page was cited from Bloodlines . Visit this page for more history about this clan.