The Gargoyles...

*Please Note: This information is based on White Wolf Role Playing*

The history of the Gargoyle bloodline began on 5th May, 1086AD. The first Gargoyle, a product of Nosferatu, Tzimisce and Gangrel kindred, had been created by a series of dark rites that had never been seen before; a ritual unknown to any but Tremere and his circle of seven who conducted it. Rumors suggest that a powerful artifact called the branch of Diedne, the tree of life, or the ashes of hope, depending on exactly who tells the story, was sacrificed during the ritual. Regardless of the truth or falsehood of these myths it appears that the Tremere have been unable (or unwilling) to repeat the experiments.

With the conclusion of their rite, the eight former magi ordered their creation to 'Go forth and multiply'. The first Gargoyle decended on the nearby peasantry, embracing many of them. One week later the Tremere had an army of slavishly loyal shock troops to fight in their war with the Inconnu.

For many years the gargoyles served the Tremere unquestioningly. They acted as bodyguards, lab assistants and shock troops. The Tremere treated them as mere tools, frequently sacrificing large numbers of them to obtain the most minor objectives. For their part the gargoyles showed no resentment, seemingly totally willing servants, they could not be faulted. This image seems however to have been false, for deep within their souls the Gargoyles chaffed at the Tremere's treatment.

Resentment built up among the gargoyles but it was not until the first hour of the fifteenth century that any of the Tremere realized. By then it was too late. As one the Gargoyles rose up against every Tremere Chantry. A night of carnage ensued. In that single night one third of the Tremere and more than one half of the Gargoyles had been destroyed. More than one quarter of the Tremere Chantries no longer existed and none of the surviving Gargoyles could be found. Among the casualties was at least one member of the circle of seven as well as the first Gargoyle.

For the next 300 years the Gargoyles hid, often melding with the stone of high mountain peaks for a decade or more at a time. They slowly increased their numbers, eventually replacing those individuals lost during the revolt.

Few others among the kindred had any dealings with the Gargoyles during this period although it appears that they contacted the Kiasyd bloodline at some stage during this time as well as a few members of the Gangrel Clan. An unsubstantiated rumor claims that a force of Gargoyles protected members of the Salubri line from a group of Tremere during this time.

Beginning in the early years of the seventeenth century the Gargoyles began to make themselves known to the other kindred. Initially in groups of one and two and then in flocks of up to twenty the Gargoyles made appearances in cities all over the old and new worlds. The Tremere attempted to destroy more than one of these groups but after several attempts decided such an action would be far too costly. The Gargoyles for these part presented themselves to the Princes and Archbishop's of the world as soldiers for hire. A role they have maintained to the present day.

The information on this page was cited from Bloodlines . Visit this page for more history about this clan.