Clan Giovanni

The origin of the Giovanni Clan is a shameful one. Originally a necromantic family, the Giovanni were an ancestral chantry of the Necromancer subtradition of the Euthanatos. A spirit, the Ba and Ka of an immensely powerful Mummy, came to Augustus whispering about the powers of the Dead; its intent, however, was an evil one, as it wished to learn and master the Necromacy skills, even at the cost of its sanity.

Mighty Horus feared for the Egyptian people, for the former Pharaoh (Now the Mummy) had the power to grant its every insane wish. In a magical duel, Horus used level five Hekau to cause the world to forget the Mummy's name. Unfortunately, the Mummy's Ba and Ka were untouched by Horus' spell. The Mummy could no longer recreate its body, but it had a plan. By whispering in the ear of a self proclaimed "prophet of the destroyer" it caused the creation of the necronomicron. It obviously had a sense of humor, for the Necronomicron translates to "The Book of the Voices of the Dead." Thus the Necromancers were born. Later, Cappodacius sought to improve his knowledge of death through his get. It substituted its own avatar for the fragment of Cain passed on from sire to Child. Not satisfied with the power of a Methuselah, It caused Augustus to diablerize Cappodacius, creating the Giovanni Clan. It still seeks revenge on all who "wronged It," such as the Mummies, setites, and Children of Osiris. Therefore, this caused the Giovanni Clan to create a Ghoul family.

The information on this page was cited from Bloodlines . Visit this page for more history about this clan.