The Clans

*Please Note: This information is based on White Wolf Role Playing*

Before I get into the thirteen original clans, there is one clan which outdates all others, and it must be mentioned. This is the Assamite Clan. Come read about their history.

And now, the Clans

Given their names by their leaders, these are the thirteen supposed clans of the Vampire races. Each have different powers and abilities which makes each clan unique. There are two basic sects that the Clans are divided into while the others are from either neutral or unknown sects.

The Camarilla:

1. Tremere (Vampire Wizards)
Powerful and united, the Tremere were the most mistrusted clan. They used their vampiric blood to enhance their magical abilities and created a series of incredibly powerful rituals for their benefit. For instance, they could boil the blood of anyone they touch, or walk without fear in the sun. They made themselves Vampires with their powers, which means Vampires did not create them.

2. Toreador (Vampire Artists)
A beautiful race whose main purpose to create and protect art. This clan closely relates to mankind.

3. Ventrue (Vampire Politicians)
This clan constantly interferes with leadership, trying to take control of everything.

4. Brujah (Reckless Vampires)
The clans basic want, after blood, revolves around fun and freedom. Usually they ride motorcycles and some even wear leather.

5. Malkavian (Crazy Vampires)
Believe that through madness can the truth, and enlightenment, be obtained. They are great and humorus companions. Some, however, are not as crazy as they might like you to believe.

6. Gangrel (Shapeshifting Vampires)
The Gangrel have the ability to morph, or change, their bodies. They can change their organs or turn themselves into animals, like bats or wolves. These Vampires have close relationships to animals. They can even talk to animals.

7. Nosferatu
The Nosferatu are deformed, bald-headed and horrible to look at. They almost always stick to the shadows, and live in sewers. They are the Spies of the Vampires since because of their abilitiy to hide themselves. Ruthless yet sentimental, they form a very powerful clan.

The Sabbat:

8. Lasombra (Manipulative Vampire)
They have the power to control and manipulate shadows. They are powerful and many fear them.

9. Tzimisce (Physically Unstable Vampires)
Their bodies are constantly decomposing into some pretty odd forms, and their minds are almost as unstable as their bodies.


10. Ravnos (Chaotic and Reckless Vamipres)
They thrive on performing evil deeds and hover near pagans, satanists and anything that has a perverted and evil side.

11. Giovanni (Vampire Mobsters)
Intelligent, smart, ruthless and cunning, there is little is known about the Giovanni Clan.


12. Salubri (Healer Vampires)
Fasioned with a third eye on their forehead, the Salubri can only drink the blood of one who willingly gives it. They also believe in Goodness. According to legend, Tremere drank the blood of Salubri, turning himself into a vampire. They also believe in Golconda (Vampire Enlightenment) where a Vampire no longer requires blood.

13. Samedi
Originating in the Caribbean, primarily in Haiti, they are even more hideously deformed than the Nosferatu. Decayed Vampires , their bodies did not cease rotting upon becoming Vampires, thus they constantly decay. Their primary purpose is to destroy what they touch, causing things to rot. They prefer hiding, but do show themselves on occassion.

The information on this page was cited from Shadow and also from The Vampires Crypt . Visit these pages for more information on Vampires.