Clan Nosferatu

Clan Nosferatu: A History

In the early days of the world, Nosferatu was the greatest hunter of the land. He'd walk out of the caves, alone and armed with a flint spear and track down game, like lions or woolly mammoths, for the tribe.

Nosferatu ALWAYS caught what he set his mind on, and there would always be enough to feed his people; he was well respected, but not admired by any of his Tribe. He was frightening, and hunted for the sheer thrill of the kill. Then, one night, Nosferatu was out on a hunt, but he was not the only one; one of Caine's childer, a Vampire, was following Nosferatu, looking for the kill. As she prepared to strike, it chanced that he walked out into the moonlight where she could see him more clearly. She instantly froze. He was the most handsome mortal she had ever seen, and she instantly knew that she had to have him.

She followed him, staying hidden in the undergrowth while he hunted. She carefully observed his hunting techniques, judging his skills, and watched him best a tiger by himself. From this alone she knew that Nosferatu was an excellent hunter, as he did not get marked, not even a scratch, from the battle.

Caine's childer, after seeing the kill, seeing the red blood flow from the tigers lifeless body, became very hungry at ths point. She broke out of hiding and charged, wailing for blood. Nosferatu, a true hunter and very defensive about his kill, stood his ground to protect his prize. Caine's childer, however, simply destroyed his spear and threw him across the clearing and into a tree, braking his spine.

Continuing on her mission, she drank from the tiger and, when she finished, she went after Nosferatu. On that night, in that clearing, Nosferatu became of the undead, sired by a childer of Caine.

From the first moment of his changing, Nosferatu loved his new form. His hunting became easier then before, and he did not have a problem with killing people, although it was more of a challange. He soon became very compitent at it too. He was the first vampire to develop Obf'scate powers, and remains the most proficient at it. He used Obf'scate to kill, sneaking into the middle of a tribe and reappearing for the kill.

Nosferatu, however, hated his sire with a passion. He hated her because on the night she embraced him, she had left a scar on his face. This scare was one of the reasons Nosferatu had become so intent on hiding himself and changing his looks. He now began to plot revenge on his sire, but kept his plotting a secret because Caine would become upset.

Nosferatu knew that he could not take his sire, even though he was a Vampire, and after thinking about his dilema, he realized that one of his kin had discovered how to control his progeny by feeding them his blood. Nosferatu observed how this was done, and then began searching the world, making his own childer, most vicious and cruel, like himself.

One was able to flee his embrace, a beautiful woman bathing in a stream in the deep forest. She fled before he could complete the blood bond. He chased her, but lost her, and finally gave up.

After a time, Nosferatu began to think; most of his childer were not as powerful as himself, but they could be. He believed that by catching other spirits and binding them, he could gain the spirit and power of the creature whose spirit he stole. So he thought that by catching and taking the spirit of a Vampire, he would gain that Vampires power.

So he gathered his most fiercest and cruelest childer, leaving the rest to wander the world. He and his brood returned to the cave where Caine, his his three childer and their childer were. He did not show himself right away, and told his childer to stay hidden. He then spied on the others and developed plan.

Nosferatu used his powers to make himself appear hurt, waited until Caine was alone, limped to him and said:

O my Father, long I wandered in the far south. And whilst I hunted I came upon a creature the likes of which I had never seen - a beast half of wolf and half of man. And I approached it without malice and spake the words of peace unto it. And it heeded them not but sprang upon me and did to me what thou now seest.
Caine became very upset because of this, and rose up in a fury, swearing to find the wolf-man and destroy it.

Nosferatu then went off and hid in the bushes. After a while, he started to change his shape, taking the form of his sire. In that shape, he creeped up on the other Twelve, one after the other during a hunt. He jumped his brethren, clawing them up, but being sure they were able to escape. They ran into the jungle, hiding in caves and holes.

Nosferatu tracked them all and, taking his regular shape, told them that the Three were not content with mortals anymore, how they now had a craving for Vampire blood. He told them that the Three wanted Caine's love all to themselves, and said how he thought the Thirteen should join together get rid of the Three. The other Twelve agreed, saying that they had noticed that the Three had been looking at them strangely for a few nights. Nosferatu had been spying on the others, learning their annoyances and idosintricities. He began insinuating things about the Three, and the Twelve, and Caine, and twisting conversations to his own likings. He said that his sire and the other two lusted for Vampire blood, and that they intended to destroy the Thirteen.

Nosferatu organized the twelve, saying that there was safety in numbers. He led them back to the cave where the Three awaited Caine's return. Nosferatu took charge of all his brethren and taught them the secret of how to hide, and they all ambushed the Three.

Nosferatu waited in the bushes with his childer while the fight ensued. When he saw his opportunity, he ordered his own childer into fight. Then, while everyone was distracted, he leaped onto his sire's back and sank his teeth into her neck.

Everything froze in that instant. The birds and bugs went silent. The only sound was Nosferatu, sucking the life out of his sire. He was bloodthirsty, and as he drank, he clawed her at her face, as she had done to him. It took her a long time to die because she had so much blood, and by the time she was dead, Nosferatu had carved her face into something unrecognizable, and he felt good about it. He felt power.

Nosferatu was ready to drink the last of her blood and gain all her power, when he was knocked away by a tremendous force. Caine had returned. He looked down at his dead childer, mutilated and disfigured, and then looked at Nosferatu, and for the first time noticed the tiny scar, and understood. He spoke then to Nasferatu, saying:

For thy vanity thou hast committed the greatest crime of all. Thou takest pride in thy mastery over beasts � I take thee and make thee a beast. Thou takest pride in thy form - I take it from thee.

Caine then touched Nosferatu's face and turned it into a living reflection of his anger and hate. Then Caine said, "Thou hast created childer. I curse them, and thy entire line until the end of all things, as I do thee." And all across the world, the childer of Nosferatu fell to the ground in agony as they changed. Even the one childer who remained free of the Blood Bond, the woman in the stream, was cursed. It was she who sired all who now call themselves Nosferatu.

As Nosferatu rose to his feet, all the other vampires blanched. He turned his face from them in shame and ran howling into the deepest caves, where he will lie until the end of time. He had Blood Bound all his childer, except the one woman, and through them he vented his wrath upon mortals and Vampires alike. His Blood Bound childer's curse was strong. They took on all of Nosferatu's crimes and became the Nictuku.

Nosferatu still lays in the caves somewhere, and each day and each night, has nightmares of the horror which is his face. In return, he sends out dreams and nightmares to the Nictuku. Nosferatu had the idea that if he destroyed all his progeny and presented the deed to Caine as a sacrifice, like Caine gave Abel to God, forgiveness would be his and the curse would be removed. Even now he commands the Nictuku to hunt his progeny. They and their childer have been searching since that night, trying to devour them. But they hide themselves, and will not emerge until Nosferatu stops searching.

The information on this page was cited from Nosferatu Clan . Visit this page for more history about this clan.