Clan Samedi

The creation of the Samedi has been often blamed on the Nosferatu and Giovanni. The Samedi do, however, have a certain affection for the Nosferatu because they each have a mutual respect for one another. The Giovanni, however, are all together a different stroy. Hatred of the Giavonni runs deep in the Samedi Clan.

The creation of the Samedi has been kept a well kept secret amoung the Giovanni. About two hundred and fifty years ago, Antonio Giovanni crossed the line with Necromacy. In an attempt to capture a human soul at the moment of its death and transfer it into the body of a Vampire which was about to suffer its own death, something went wrong. The timing was off by just a little bit, and instead of transferring the human's soul, Final Death (Rapid decomposition of the body) had already occured. The human victim had been suicidal, so it took time to convince the new creation that it should continue to exist.

When Antonio realised that the experiment was failing, the first Samedi had already been created. Attempting to keep his mistake from being found out by the elders, Antonio allowed his curiosity take control, and he found that he could not bring himself to destroy this new species of Kindred. He locked the Samedi in a vault, attempting to starve it into torpor. The Samedi, however, managed to escape and attack the Giovanni. He drained Antonio, then went berzerk and broke out of its chamber, stopping to find shelter in a mausoleum just before the break of dawn.

This Samedi, first of its kind, became known as "Gran'daddy" to the members, but is spoken of among the Giovanni as Paulo. It retained the Giovanni Necromancy discipline. Their obvious affinity with death and decay grew into the Thanatosis discipline, and Obfuscate could have been taught to the Samedi by empathetic Nosferatu.

Gran'daddy kept out of sight for about fifty years in the Mediterranean. He was drawn to victims who had nothing left to live for, or who had a fascination with death and decay. Crackpot occultists were also a favourite target of Paulo and his childer, who fancied themselves the physical embodiment of death incarnate.

Not wanting to leave this mistake alive, the Giovanni began searching for Gran'daddy and his childer. It was also at this time when they left the Mediterranean and went into hiding in the Brazilian jungle. Slave ships crossing the Atlantic, with their filthy and overcrowded conditions below decks, made for safe passage.

The information on this page was cited from Bloodlines . Visit this page for more history about this clan.