Traditions of the Clans...

1. The Masquerade:
You may not reveal your true nature to those not of the Blood.
Doing so will renounce your claims of Blood.

2. The Domain:
Your domain is your own concern. All other owe respect to you
while in it. None may challenge your word while in your domain.

3. The Progeny:
You may only sire another with the permision of your elder. If you
create one without your elder's permission, both you and your
progeny will be slain.

4. The Accounting:
Those you create are yours to command and be responsible for until
they know the ways of the Kindred.

5. Hospitality:
Honor one another's domain. When coming to a foreign city, you
should present yourself to the Prince. Without his word of
acceptance, you are nothing.

6. Destruction:
You are forbidden to destroy another of your kind. The right of
destruction belongs solely to your elder. Only the eldest among
you may call the blood hunt.

The information on this page was cited from The Vampires Crypt . Visit this page for more history about this clan.