Clan Gangrel

In the beginning God created Adam, but from the same clay which He made Adam, the Lord also created a wife for him. He named her Lilith.

She was described as an unusually hirsute woman who was not willing to be subservient to Adam, and he thus complained to God about this. As punishment, God banished Lilith from the Garden of Eden forever and, in return, created Eve from Adam himself.

When banished from Eden however, Lilith was pregnant. She gave birth alone in the wilderness, attended only by wild beasts, as the animals were unnamed, none knowing their destiny.

Midwived by animals, Lilith brought forth four children. In attendance were a bear, wolf, tiger, serpent and another animal described only as "a beast". Each received one of the babes to care for except the serpent, as its foster-child was stillborn. Each took their foster-child away to raise how they thought best, and those children became the ancestors of the zoanthropes, now called Lupines.

One of the Lilith's children, named Ennoia, was raised by the wolves. Even when the wolves learned they were to be carnivores, and preyed upon other animals, they still cared for her as their own.

When Ennoia had grown, she took a mate from among the pack and bore him children. Some were like her, in the form of man; some were like their father, and ran as wolves. Yet each had within them the seed of the other, and it is from them that Lupines trace their ancestry.

A long while later, she grew dissatisfied with her life, and left the pack to travel the world. Immortal like her parents, she wandered for many years alone, and came at last to a city raised by her half-siblings, the descendants of Adam and his second wife. Her great beauty and somewhat earthy nature stood her well, and she was well-received in Enoch.

She dwelt there for many years until she became a source of discord in this proto-city. She finally left, though not before presenting several of her loves with children, from whome the Gypsies are descended. Once again she wandered the world. Everywhere that she was taken in, her presence brought discord and she was again cast out.

Finally, long after her blood had mingled with that of Eve's brood, she met a childe of Caine's and was convinced to return to Enoch. He could not satisfy her appetites, but that mattered little, for he proved interesting in other ways. In their passion for each other, it was not long before she was made Kindred.

From her are descended all who call themselves Gangrel. From her we learn the tongues of animals, and how to change our shape to resemble them. From her also we get our license to wander the world freely. Even as the Lupines can trace their blood back to her in her living days, so can the Gangrel find their heritage in the blood of her changed life.